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There are no rules for life, so just enjoy it!

About Me

Hmm......I don't really know what to say. I am a good friend to have, I guess. I am an open and giving person who loves to help others. I love spending time with my friends and family. I love travelling, and would like to see as much of the world as possible. I love the random things in this world, that many people don't even seem to notice. I love talking to people. I'm always talking, hehe. I love looking up at the clouds and the night sky. I love all the natural wonders of our world. I love the mountains, the forests, the oceans, the birds, the animals an so on..... I love looking into peoples eyes. I love coincedences...my life is full of them. I love smiling and receiving smiles. I love kissing. I love music or film that moves me. I love anything that makes me feel good in one way or another. I guess I pretty much love life. I have had my ups and and many downs. Nothings perfect, but things could always be a lot worse. I try not to let things get me down too much. I get happiness from making those who are sad around me, happy again. Something good always comes from something bad. Life is too short to spend all your time worrying about things. Just enjoy everything around you, as you never know when it could all be taken away from you.' AUTOSTART='True' LOOP='1'

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My Interests

I love Snowboarding! Nothing else matters. Well.............that's not totally true. I also love Music, Film, Art and Photography, Modern Architecture and Design, Food...mmm, Coffee shops, Going out to live gigs, spending time with friends and family, and I REALLY LOVE DEEP POWDER!!!

I'd like to meet:

Like minded people. People who think outside 'the box'. People who notice the random things in life, that others don't. People who don't go out to hurt others. People who don't judge me before they have spoken to me. People who forgive the mistakes I make. (everbody makes them). People who respect my life choices and decisions. People who enjoy fun times. People who enjoy laughing and can make me laugh. People who can teach me new and exciting things. People. Anyone really.


I like so many different genres. I can't put myself into just one. I appreciate all forms of music. I have to listen to something a few times before I can definitely say that I do not like it. Well...not everything, hehe. I love "Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service...
postal service - such great heights
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City Of God, Amelie, Shawshank Redemption, Memento, Training Day, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Usual Suspects, Waking Life, Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovich, Wierd Science, Jackie Brown, Garden State, Traffic, Human Traffic, Lame, Afterbang, and so many more..........!!!


Documentaries/News, anything interesting.


The Alchemist, The Beach, Inca Cola, and magazines.


My greatest hero of all, has to be my Mum. Her unconditional love, and ability to make me feel good when all is bad, is more than anyone could ever wish for. She always remains strong through thick and thin. I respect her so much for the way she has raised me and my sister single handedly. Other heroes include: My sister and nephew, my best friend Joel (for always being there for me, when I most need them) And all my other friends. Oh and E.T. too."Wherever we are, it is our friends who make our world"R.I.P. Sam Furness.

My Blog


I had Kinder Egg's on toast for Breakfast.
Posted by elmo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST