You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor ! is my blogspot for editorials on some traditional style hot rodding in Texas. While there's no dought it started in California & words like "juvenile delinquents" and "destructive teenagers" with hot rods in movies brought fame to the sport of drag racing Texas was also the next storehouse of drag racing and performance with the ever growing list of drag strips & car clubs that organized in the 1950s and 60s.
TEXAS DRAGSTRIPS & DRAG RACERS - NEVR BEFORE SEEN UNTIL NOW 1950S TEXAS DRAG STRIPS PHOTOS & STORIES!.- My search started with the early Austin Texas Racers but I soon realized it was much more than just these local legends. Some insite to the early Texas hotrodders! Check out the links on the blog Hecho En Texas