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i just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to geico

About Me

Greetings all, Im glad you are taking some time to read something about me. I promise not to keep it short and give you as much information as you can take.

I'm 22 and i have to admit, this is the oldest ive ever been. My friends would describe me as a quiet character, definitely the observer of the group, the voice of reason in most cases. I like to think and over think. I like to analyze and reflect. I spend a lot of time keeping to myself.

I once wanted to co-author a book about casual dating because I kept running into guys who didnt get the picture (not that I do). I suppose that you can be a much better coach than a player, being removed from the action helps think clearly. The name was something like rules of the game. I've seen this tittle out there some place. Most dating texts all point to the same advice and im going to divulge these following words of wisdom below:

Be yourself , and if that self is crazy and unable to function it the society that you live in, change yourself. Adapt, grow, and mature. Be interesting, if you can't be interesting, learn that first, then try your luck at dating. Be open minded, be calm and casual, travel, experience many things, listen to lots of music, read, write, express yourself, watch all kinds of movies, know yourself, know what you like, know what you dont like but dont be too strict with what you dont like because no one is perfect (not even you). Make friends, make many friends, and be good to them. Become well versed in many topics, including current events. Eat well, be active, groom yourself, dress well. Put yourself in a position to move up in life, have a future in mind. Have opinions but dont dismiss the opinions of others, think outside the box. Listen and learn from others. Finally, be a family man, if you arent doing well with your family, chances are you will have problems in your own relationships. (and your family loves you unconditionally, so why not be cool with them first)

I'm on my way to finishing up a degree in Computer Information Systems, which in layman's terms simply means that i do well with computers. I hope to start out as a developer but ultimately move into systems management. I have a lot of different interests, i like to relax and think about almost everything.

For more information about me, please do not hesitate to drop a line and introduce yourself.

My Interests

My general interests include: technology, sports, meeting new and interesting people, reason, girls, traveling, music, learning, drinking, goofing off, laughing, imagining, thinking, planning, not planning, cars, speed, cooking, reading, organizing, the future, the past, the present, the uncertain, the certain, the method to all the madness, theory, beliefs, tolerance, science, writing, vocabulary, literature, video games, information.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to have dinner with Jeff Van Gundy.


i have to admit, as much as i dont want to, that indie rock has taken over my life right now.

My roots, however, wont be ignored. I grew up on hip hop and r & b, quickly transitioned into alternative rock - which was the beginning for me. I also dabble in metal, hard, post-punk rock. I also like trance and techno on occasions. Lest we forget about my hispanic background which leads my dance toward salsa, merengue, bachata, cumbia.


Heat, Collateral, Miami Vice, The Professional, Top Gun, Dazed and Confused, the big lebowski, eurotrip, in good company, matchstick men, garden state, alfie, hitch, eternal sunshine.., scarface, equilibrium, underworld, fight club, oceans 11, 12, vanilla sky, the perfect weapon, napoleon dynamite, the truman show, the mask, anchorman, old school, the prestige, stranger than fiction, finding forester, v for vendetta, fear and loathing in las vegas, very bad things, american history x, american psycho, any given sunday, click, constantine, cruel intentions, wildside, man of the year, half baked, saw 1,2,3, the butterfly effect, weather man, rain man, 40 yr old virgin... more to come


Seinfeld (always and forever), FAMILY GUY, scrubs, the office, my name is earl, heroes, arrested development, freaks and geeks. Other shows include Distraction (comedy central) i love the 60's 70's 80's 90's Best Year Ever (and much more)... Late night Cinemax ;)


Are magazines inclusive? yeah they are because im including them.... PC WORLD, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, PENTHOUSE ;)... books.. not sure yet.. (keep you posted)


john cusack, zach braff, george castanza, john mayer, christian bale, and plenty more i cant think of at the moment

My Blog


Well this weekend was fairly good in the sense that I did something other than mope around the house and sleep. But anyway, I realized that friendship means different things to different people, and e...
Posted by Gizm0jr" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

friggin fake ballers in nyc parks

Hello fellows.. (currently playing: the early november - sunday drive)... okay as my subject describes, i got home from the park (hoffman, by qc mall) with my friends and brother. we played these kids...
Posted by Gizm0jr" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cinemax at 2 am

:) well im up watching cinemax and of course we all know what kind of programing they have in store for us night owls.. i think ive seen this one.. (and i bet all you little freaks have seen it too do...
Posted by Gizm0jr" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST