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Welcome to Stillville Inc.

About Me

I am the "Director of Youth Ministries" @ First Christian Church Nowata and Disciples Christain Church Bartlesville. That basically takes up all of my time. Ah yes I am going to be a DAD. Can you believe that? Lucy Joanna Yirsa is due December 14th 2008. I also spend all of my free time in Stillwater at my co-0wned (with Randy Hornberger of the Wily Brothers) recording studio. Check out some of the pics and maybe follow some of the links to see what this entails. Oh Yeah, the studio is called Stilville Studios. We currently have two albums that we have recorded on the shelves at Hasting and one on the way plus dozens of demos for various bands. That's basically my whole life, being a Youth Director, becoming a Father and recording music, that's what I love doing.

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My Interests

Learning to teach and Teaching to learn, Music, Music production, old cars...

I'd like to meet:

There are two people in the world today that I would really like to meet. The first would be Nolan Ryan, because he has been my hero since before i can remember. The second is Garth Brooks, becuase he is the most succesful country musician, maybe even musican ever, and he is still down to earth AND from Oklahoma, AND is a fellow Oklahoma State Alumni, such as myself. There are plenty of other people i would like to meet but i would probably pee my pants if i met Nolan and Garth. Other people that i would pee my pants meeting are historical figures like Socrates, Plato, Divinci, mostly philosophers plus some others. Stevie Ray Vaughn, Moses, and a lot of other dead people


Red Dirt cause I am such a "Goo Roo" ...I think, Blues, Rock, Country, Americana, Classic Rock, Oldies, Blue Grass, etc... just not polka or "rave" music/Techno"


Super Troopers obviously, Animal House obviously, and Three Amigos


Family Guy, Simpsons and... well thats it.


Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth Series, Dragonlance, Narnia, and any old Arthurian books. A lot philisophical text.


Superman because he is super. Nolan Ryan because he is just a bad to the bone. Garth Brooks because he is so good at what he does. Wolverine because he is all three in one.