How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 90%
Romance - 33%
Self - Control - 85%
Kissing - 52%
Cuddling - 37%
Kinkiness - 77%
This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 739 Times.
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Your Birthdate: August 27
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.
Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone
Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge
Your power color: Cobalt blue
Your power symbol: Dove
Your power month: September
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You're mature and get the job done. You are a natural born leader, and normally want to be the better of the group. You take your job seriously. You must! It may NOT be a game. When you select a sport, or something you want to do, you train continueously, constantly trying to perfect it. You're always prepared for a challenge, and are normally found one step ahead of your enemies. Loving family more than life itself, you are a good friend, and can be depended on at all times.
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Created by arfal and taken 21538 times on Bzoink
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