UNDER MY UMBRELLA! profile picture


WaT mOrE cAn I SaY iMa BaRbIe {Bad} Bii*TcH!

About Me

Whateverlife.com For whatever life you lead

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

[CuTe]....StUbBoRn...CoNfIdEnT bUt InSeCuRe....VeRy {jeAlOuS}....UnDeRsTaNdIn....a LeO sO lIkeS tO bE dA cEnTeR oF aTtEnTiOn[oNli On My TiMe]....BuT cAn Be ShY....kInD oF a BiTcH aT tYmEs BuT fUn To Be ArOuNd....SmArT bUt HaVe mY mOmEnTs....{LoYaL} bUt NoT aLwAyS [hOnEsT]....SeCrEtIvE....LiKeS tO cRiTiCiZe...LiKeS tO pOiNt OuT pEoPlE mIsTaKeS....sEnSiTiVe bUt HaRdLy ShOwS eMoTiOn....TeNdS tO bOtTlE uP fEeLiNs....kInD bUt WiLl FuCc A bItCh uP iN a MiNuTe....VeRy ChOosy....-N- lOvEs MuSiC, dAnCiN, mY fAnCy fLy BitcHeS, -N- mY [Mr.]

ChUd-BuCkEt,LaDy T,_MsZ.O.[d0t]----mE -N- mY fAnCy FlY {bItCheS}

Me -N- My [StInKa] ShErRy

mE -N- dAt Sii*StEr Of MiNeS[B-dAy Pii*C]

Da BeStFrii*EnD[LiLlIaN] -N- Me
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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: blonde/brown
Height:: 5'5
Favorite Color:: purple
Screen Name:: [email protected]
Favorite Band:: dont have 1
Favorite Movie:: Titanic, The Little Mermaid
Favorite Show:: Girlfriends, Degrassi
Your Car:: dont have 1 but i want a Range Rover
Your Hometown:: Southside
Your Present Town::
Your Crushes First Name:: dont have 1 i gotta hubby
Your Grade:: 11th
Your Style::
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: no
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes.....finally
Danced in a public place?: yea
Smiled for no reason?: yea
Laughed so hard you cried?: yea
Peed your pants after age 8?: yea in da library
Written a song?: tried
Sang to someone for no reason?: no
Performed on a stage?: yea
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yea
Made out in a theatre?: no
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yea
Been in love?: yea
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Jasmin
Tell you, I love you?: my father
Kiss you?: my boo
Hug you?: my lil sista
Tell you BYE?: my fatha
Write you a note?: anthony
Take your photo?: shataja
Call your cell phone?: my boo
Buy you something?: my father
Go with you to the movies?: shataja
Sing to you?: lil brother
Write a poem about you?: nobody
Text message you?: niqua
Touch you?: in wat way?
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: like an hour ago
Time you cried?: like a week ago
Movie you watched?: ATL
Joke you told?:
Song you've sang?: let me kno ...Aaliyah
Time you've looked at the clock?: now
Drink you've had?: lemonade
Number you've dialed?: bestfriend vicki
Book you've read?: true to the game
Food you've eaten?: sum barbque chicken
Flavor of gum chewed?: strawberry
Shoes you've worn?: my blue and black dub zeroes
Store you've been in?: Mony's
Thing you've said?: ima speak to you lata
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: no
Whistle?: no
Blow a bubble?: yea
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yea
Cross your eyes?: yea
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Dance?: yea u already kno
Gleek?: wat da fucc is dat
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yea
Speak a different language?: no
Impersonate someone?: yea
Prank call people?: yea
Make a card pyramid?: no
Cook anything?: yea i throw down in da kitchen
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...:
I wish ...: i can find somebody dats real and aint scared to luv
So many people don't know that ...: im very sensitive
I am ...: beautiful
My heart is ...: heavy
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My BoO bOo....ThIs Is ThE rEaSoN wHy I sMiLe BuT aLsO tHe ReAsOn WhY ii Be ReAdY tO fUcC dEsE bIrD bItChEs Up....DaMn We HaVe CuM a LoNg WaY..... eVeN tHo ItS onLi BeEn A yEaR nIgGaZ dIdNt ThInK wE wOuLd maKe It ThIs FaR..I kNo alOt Of PeOplEs Say dAt bOut ThEy SigNifiCant oTheR bUt u KnoW wAt It iS n HoW I feEl....I ? YoU....MuAhZ....YeA dA nAmE iS _MsZ.O.[d0t] wHeN u SeE hIm UndErStaNd DaTs mE...LmAo
My HeArT.....DiS mY bIg SiS rIghT hEre....ShE hAs AlWaYs bEeN tHerE fOr Me n I lOvE u FoR dAt....I aLsO luV u FoR inTrOduCinG mE tO dAt bOy AbOvE...lol...Na BuT eVeN tHo We Be GOiN tHroUgH sUm ShiT(but wat sisters doesnt) I sTiLl LoVe YoU....MUAHZ
My RiGhtHanD.....ViCkI wE mEt WaT mY frEsHmAn yEar N wE hAvE juS bEen KicKin iT siNce....U r TruLly wAnNa oF tHosE pEoplE dAt I cAn sAy HelP mOld n chAnGe My LifE.....yOu HaVe AlwAys bEen ThErE...ThEres NuThiN wE cAn Say We hAvenT doNe TogEthEr....FrOm dA 1st TymE iVe sMoKeD, Da 1st TyMe IvE dRiNkeD, dA 1st TyMe IvE gOt ArResTeD(lmao dat shit was funny tho), N wHeN bItchEs tRiEd tO frOnT...BaSicAlLy U aRe mY bEsTfrIenD n I LuV u...MUAHZ
My BiTcH.....dAmN kInA WheN aM I gOnNa eScApe YoU.....lmao..To ThiNk wE WouLd cUm tHis FaR wHeN I dIdNt eVeN lIke yOu WhEn I fIrSt MeT yOu...BuT gEtTiN tO kNo yOu I hAvE rEaLiZeD dAt YoU r OnE oF tHoSe pEopLe dAT I aLwAys wAnT tO bE aRounD....Ur TrusTwoRthY, GenUinE, n U gEts iT iN wItH mE EveRydAy AlLdAy....u R aMonGst ThoSe fEw dAt I cAn tRusT.....I LuV u
ThiS mY bItCh/CuZin JeSsIcA ....She iS oNe Of ThE rEALeSt BiTCh YoU cAn mEeT ...ShE kEEps it A 100 && lIke mE We jUs DnT gIVe a FuCc, We LiKe T0 LiVe LiFE oN dA eDgE KinDa GhEtTo bUt VeRy ClASSY U Can jUs dEscRiBe HeR lIke GuN && RosEs...BuT YeA JeSs I dEfinatLeY dO 143{iinside joke}...&& ReMebEr oUr PrOmIsE wHeN wE gEt oLdEr dNt try To FronT WhEn ShIt gOttA gO dOwn _L0L*


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