An artist is NOT paid for his labor but for his Vision. That is how the both of us feel when it comes to our art work. Wether it be drawing a portrait of car or takeing a photograph of one. We know how much art means to people when it comes to there vehicales and two just personal use.We do two types of automotive art work for people. Realistic drawings, here is a link: and digital photography.We advertise for car events, products, and vehicles. If you are a tuner shop located in Va and would like to advertise your products on our site contact us through our e-mail. We also make flyers and cards for car events, car clubs, car shops, an.....
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We love all types of music but when it comes to being in the car driveing cruise down town we like to throw in something with some bass to get notcied down town. when your in a race or having some fun we like to call it on the road it really gets the mood just right with some classic rock or hard rock, it just helps get the heart raceing.
We "Twinmuscle" are on peolpe! All of the video footage that we take from the car shows to drifting events will be up on there.Television shows that we like to watch are most of everybodys favorites such as Heros, Lost, Smallville, anything dealing with our motor sports such as Trucks, Red Line, NOPI Tv. We also like to keep up todate with tech. soo we make sure to check out G4 with Attack of the Show! and X-Play.We love our Sic-fi and Action films. The both of us went to film camp back last summer in 2006 and got a deep look into how to make movies and how much work it takes with people. We both would love to do film making one day. We are working more and more at our craft when it comes to filming these car events to trying to increase our look through the camera. Each year we try to upgrade our hardwear and softwear.