The Burgh, any racquet sport, making it on the mean streets of Mars PA, putting up solid numbers consistently in the Siena Apartments fitness center, chip-chopped ham, Superdollar Sundays, Iron City Beer, any movie featuring John Wayne or Mickey Rourke, Texas winters, dots candy - except for the green ones, Dennis Miller, the Steelers, ice cream, making marginal progress toward my high school form on the Park at Voss tennis courts, fighting outrageous tow charges, reality TV, a ride in the nine-deuce Camry, 41 year old Hawaiian women, salads with extra croutons, reluctantly producing freeway construction plans on a regular basis, hitting the edge of the target at the American Shooting Center, the Office (British version), most of Bill Maher's political views, boxed wine, reading novels on an airplane, making it to exotic vacation spots such as Flatonia Texas or Columbus Ohio, candles/soap dispensers/2 chairs (one of which a wooden high-chair to be used at a later date by the Haugh family)/and a very heavy concrete lawn ornament in the shape of a monkey, great deals on useless items found in local bars