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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Follow this link--- ---, to see how your legislators voted in the session that just ended. Be informed with this easy-to-use system, a part of our bold new effort to introduce greater transparency in state and local government.The reason that I am running for the House of Represenatives for District 78, Oakland and Sidney, is to bring a perspective to Augusta that no one would deny we are in need of. Our families are being divided and conqured and the combatants are none other than by far and large second generation products of divorce who never learned how to communicate from their parents and that is encouraged by current State policy in these matters and they will teach that to the next generation which will make it worse. Current policies PREVENT communication when it is needed most and that is a recipe for disaster. If you bind a strong man then you can take over his home and his goods, in what is blatantly becoming an even more socialist society those "goods" are the wife and children which then increases the numbers of those that need to go on State aid and will increase that expense offsetting any so called savings from "consolidations". We are replacing God our Father with fairy tales, we are removing the Founding Fathers and beating to death biological and adoptive Fathers all in the name of...take a guess. I want to be proactive in STOPPING all manner of violence in our communities. I see articles where local Police Departments are reaching out even more to raise AWARENESS to stop it BEFORE IT HAPPENS which is the key, we need to keep that momentum going, we need to talk about this without political correctness determining the content, that is the only way we will bring order back to our towns. The more families divorce some stats put that at 75%! the greater result that actually strip us of our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights, we don't have to wait for SOMEONE to REMOVE THEM, we are DOING THAT OURSELVES, ask me how. More to come, watch for an upcoming blog, in the meantime I have posted a brief video under My Interest section, I would love to see mainstream media have the guts to examine this issue, please take a moment to watch it...In America, we are at our strongest during Presidential election cycles while also at our weakest. Our enemies know this better than most of us do. If we are attacked, which may happen, I don't want Barack to try to negotiate with them, or Hillary to deny it, I want John McCain and Mike Huckabee to go to work and do what they do best, run things. Freedom called the poor huddled masses from all over the planet here in search of a better life i.e. JOBS and made this THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH! Because we want to encourage that hard work ethic which is AMERICAN by simplifying the bureaucratic disaster that is immigration policy the notion is scoffed at. Politics is a funny business if you are new to it is not like choosing which basketball team to like or sneaker to wear but if we exercise common sense and free speech which political correctness tries to crush we can see through the nonsense. Republicans want to create JOBS, Conservatives wants to preserve FREEDOM. If there are no jobs, you have to go on the state. That is called Socialism and socialist security has never worked no matter when it was tried. Oh, and one last thing, the reason universal health care "works" in other countries is they don't have morbid obesity rates that are out of control and a generally overall sick society where everything under the sun is now diagnosiable and needs meds that we do here. That is going to be a heavy expense when those folks start to need "provider services" even more than it is now. The "key" to healthcare is to take care of our health. That is going to be a tremendous strain economically when that population starts to suffer from all the chronic illness that morbid obesity brings on. Not to make people feel bad if they suffer from morbid obesity but lets study it, identify the patterns, predict the trend and then nip it off at the bud. In case you missed this it pertains to us as much as the Presidential race, that being said, Our Senator is Susan Collins and Olympia, who by the way either would make a far better President than Hillary Clinton, I will explain more later... ---

My Interests

Working with everyone to fix up this mess we are in. If we don't change things soon, starting locally, it won't be long when we try to call our Senators and Represenatives and get Ajatashatru over in India. Vote Bennett in the House District 78 Oakland and Sidney ! The Primary election is June 10th and feel free to get ahold of me here, I guarantee I will get back to you, not Jayashekhar from Mumbai.This clip came from, check it out, it is a fun site to visit and really lightens things up, which I like, its not that I don't take things seriously, I just like to have a good time also... This happens WAY more than you think, we need to put an end to this...

I'd like to meet:

New friends, old friends and kindred spirits.


OK, so I am gonna geek out a little bit, this is a major interest of mine, I know. Nerd. This is Senior David Dutil of Messalonskee A Weekend with David Dutil


Borat, Change we can believe in... Communism by any other name is still...Maxine let the cat out of the bag here, watch the woman on her left start to crack up.


I like books, just got done reading "The World is flat", also read another book by this guy, his name is Thomas Friedman called "Blink" it is about how the brain makes decisions in milliseconds. Currently reading Angels and Demons...I like it. Something those that are interested in human development would like is 'Three Seductive Ideas' by Jerome Kagan, just finished it and liked it. Another that I just wrapped up is 'The Biology of Belief' a book about evolution but offered great insight into the theories of Newtonian and Quantum physics, an easy read and one that I would recommend. Just read "You can't talk to me that way" by Art Bell (not the host of Coast to Coast) about Abuses in Corporate america and liked it.


People that make a difference when others think they can't. Oh can't forget Batboy from Weekly World News! From when I was about 10 Arnold and 15 the Reverend Billy Graham.

My Blog

Quick thoughts 5/1/2008

Equal Opportunity 4/2/2008   A question we have seen batted around with the Presidential elections pertains to the children of illegal immigrants receiving State funds to help pay for college. ...
Posted by Erick on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST

Lets really put an end to it 3/18/2008

3/18/2008  Lets really put an end to it   The results are in and in the spirit of democratic process the Republicans have in a dignified and respectable way elected our nominee for Presiden...
Posted by Erick on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 02:35:00 PST


  Sorry for the format, I am editing as I go, I am not sure why it posted like this and will take time to iron out, if you can just plow through it and enjoy. Check this ...
Posted by Erick on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:27:00 PST

Tau of Christ

Mon 12/31/07 8:24 PM No this is not an opening scene for The Sopranos.   "Tommy, take a walk with me,tell me Tommy, why can’t you and I agree on this matter" said the Self Existent Etern...
Posted by Erick on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:36:00 PST