Working with everyone to fix up this mess we are in. If we don't change things soon, starting locally, it won't be long when we try to call our Senators and Represenatives and get Ajatashatru over in India. Vote Bennett in the House District 78 Oakland and Sidney ! The Primary election is June 10th and feel free to get ahold of me here, I guarantee I will get back to you, not Jayashekhar from Mumbai.This clip came from, check it out, it is a fun site to visit and really lightens things up, which I like, its not that I don't take things seriously, I just like to have a good time also... This happens WAY more than you think, we need to put an end to this...
New friends, old friends and kindred spirits.
OK, so I am gonna geek out a little bit, this is a major interest of mine, I know. Nerd.
This is Senior David Dutil of Messalonskee
A Weekend with David Dutil
Borat, Change we can believe in... Communism by any other name is still...Maxine let the cat out of the bag here, watch the woman on her left start to crack up.
I like books, just got done reading "The World is flat", also read another book by this guy, his name is Thomas Friedman called "Blink" it is about how the brain makes decisions in milliseconds. Currently reading Angels and Demons...I like it. Something those that are interested in human development would like is 'Three Seductive Ideas' by Jerome Kagan, just finished it and liked it. Another that I just wrapped up is 'The Biology of Belief' a book about evolution but offered great insight into the theories of Newtonian and Quantum physics, an easy read and one that I would recommend. Just read "You can't talk to me that way" by Art Bell (not the host of Coast to Coast) about Abuses in Corporate america and liked it.
People that make a difference when others think they can't. Oh can't forget Batboy from Weekly World News! From when I was about 10 Arnold and 15 the Reverend Billy Graham.