mI iNtErEsTs ArE pArTyIn, ChIlLin WiT mI gIRlS aNd hAvIn A gOoD tImE.
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsNeva kiss a guy wen his eyes are black He kisses you an will neva come back Neva kiss a guy wen his eyes are brown He kisses you an will let you down, Neva kiss a boy wen his eyes are blue it will neva b tru, but kiss a guy wen his eyes are green He kisses you an no its meant ta be
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ClIcK, tHE LoNgEsT yArD, dAtE mOvIe, ThE fAsT aN tHe FuRioUs: ToKyO dRiFt, AnD tHe nOtEbOoK.
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Ha Ha I dOn'T rEaD. iTs BoRiNg!!
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i truely think i am mi own hero. i push myself durin hard times. i am mi own person, and i am me! i have been going thro a shitty life, but i got thro it own mi own and the confort of mi friends love you guys!!
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