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I moved to Tucson Arizona summer 06 to make my way into the College of Medicine through the masters of physiology program and it worked. Medical school rocks and I love that I am finally doing what I always wanted to do. There were many times I didnt think I would make it through the obstacles in life in order to get here.
I am originally from Great Falls, Montana. There are only a few things that I have acquired from living there: a few great friends, appreciation for the outdoors, and a desire to never live in a redneck place ever again.
I am a really open minded person who believes people should be able to live their lives the way they want to, whether or not it is not the social norm, as long as it does not hurt others. You wanna be gay, be gay. You wanna be homophobic, great. Wanna be racist, sexist, go for it. Pro-life, pro-choice, it's all good. But the two sides cant fuck with eachother just for choosing the opposite side. Then you are just an ignorant ass.
I am tolerable of all people as they as there arent outright ignorant and arrogant. I also do not like whiney people who always play the role of the victim of society. You are soley responsible for the outcome of your life and the choices you make. Get off your ass and change your life if you don't like it. If you aren't actively improving your issues, I dont want to hear about them.
I also love politics and can debate current issues with people forever. so dont get me started on Bush, war, race, religion, etc unless you got time to kill.
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