Keeping God forefront in my life is a daily challenge. The rewards are far greater than any cost. I'm pretty sure I'm being called as a helper (I'm good at helping people and I like it too; go figure). For a time I thought that serving in the military was the way that I would serve that calling best.
Got back from tour with the Continental Singers for the second time; It was an AWESOME experience once again (I'd still do it again in a heart beat), talk to me and you'll find out how/why it was SO AWESOME!
My spelling needs work. Choir and Drama are two of my favorite art forms to participate in. Sometimes I'm completely random and then intensely methodical. Knowing me is an experience, you can't just be told about it.
Family is everything; if you're a GOOD friend, you ARE family.
Under C o n s t r u c t i o n
I believe in standing for ideals like: Challenge, Courage, Commitment, and Honour... Basically Challenge life (don't just float along and go with the flow), have the Courage to meet it (head on or otherwise), the Commitment to finish what was started (regardless of one's standings), enough Honour to tip your hat to those that went before you.
Generally I'm friendly and have a wide range of friends, but I call them on their B.S. as I hope they would do the same for me.