There is no one I want to meet. I hate people. Here is why:The girl who means most to me in the world, one day, just stopped talking to me: she sent an email telling me not to call her or visit her at work. This even devastated my life and now I don't think I can bare to trust another. I still trust her though. Much later we met in public and she told me that I was coming on too strong. If I would have known I would have given her space, and she knows that. There was a time when she disliked people helping her with her life, so I stopped because she told me she didn't like it. If I would have known we would still be talking because I would have slowed down. It's what I do.I'm about to take her to court for "defamation of character", recently I found out she told people I was stalking her. I hope it's something I can do to get myself to hate her, she's starting to make me feel zenophobic. I don't go ANYWHERE because I don't want her to run into me, but I"m getting bored staying in the house all day. My only sanctuaries are school, and the music store to pick up sheet music for my guitars and piano.