Those deemed not to make it will somehow find a way!

About Me

Like loves secret flood I will rise to my calling of DEATH. My sacrifice to God will cost me everything - my life! Surrendered speechless I will remain forever changed by the impact of grace. Listen to the voice of your savior calling you to your knees. Whispering a shout of love to all who call on His Sovereign Holy name... Abba Father. Love... love is beyond the measure of human thinking, mesmerized by the principals of love I will not catch myself from falling deeper and deeper in love. Love is greater than life and has caused me to die for a greater touch. Love... yes I know you, and I can never forget all you have taught me. My Lover...we will remain forver in love. I will remember and acknowledge all your ways.I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. I cannot change the world I live in, but I can impact it by being responcible for the way I react to things. I cannot change people, that's their free will, but I can be a changed person. I live to love, and I love to live. I choose to be a sacrifice, I choose to die daily to my own desires, thoughts, and to myself. This world has nothing for me - so I choose to die, so that Christ may live inside of my every being.I choose to live - not for me - for HIM!Instead of judgement I choose mercy...It's not about me! It will never be about me! It's about He who made me. It's the intamacy we have with Him that determines whether or not we will be used for a greater purpose.Romans 12:1 Therefore brothers I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship.
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My Interests

LOVE is FREEDOM... But the man who looks intently into the perfect law, which gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard - but doing it, will be blessed in what he does. JAMES 1:25The perfect law is LOVE... and love gives freedom...BE FREE!

I'd like to meet:

The Malagan'je People - The Sick - The Lost - The Widowed - The Orphaned - The Dying - The Confused - The Battered - The Broken - The Weak - YOU!


HOLY HOLY HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 1:11 For it is by grace we have been saved through faith not by works but by His power.Armor yourself - Ephesians 6:10-18


Be moved by the breath of the living God...Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6


Never! I beat my body untill it submits to the Spirit. I do not live for this world because it cannot offer me anything. It is only because of the love of Christ that I live and for it I will die. I do not seek to fullfill the desires of my flesh. Nor do I allow my soul to crave that which does not satisfy. It is only since I've died that I've found why I trully live. And I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes. I believe not because I have seen, indeed I have, but because it is only because of FAITH that we are saved. That is why my flesh craves the things of the Spirit. A yeilded heart can only please the Father. And I choose a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Worthy to be a martyer. I cannot be killed by the reproach of men because I do not fear that which cannot harm me. I soley fear the Lord. And the fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom. Christ is King, He is Lord, He is Savior, and He is all you and I will ever need.


The Sword Alone


Jesus Son of God - the atonement sacrifice

My Blog

This is dangerous...

What am I doing? Unknown to the world anymore... to anything considered real... to the life I've once known. To become a human of considerable standing. Yet know no other language but that by which I ...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 06:15:00 PST

The Heart

What you do on the outside shows what's on the inside. Your actions speak your heart. There is no comprimise in Christianity. There is only Holy living. The Living and Breathing Word of God says you m...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:06:00 PST

Amazing Grace

"Amazing Grace" My chains are goneI've been set freeMy God, my Savior has ransomed meAnd like a flood His mercy reigns Unending love, amazing grace Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on meHalleluj...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:02:00 PST


Over Ashes Isaiah 61:3      meant for more than they could ever understand all of this world has to offer  meant for more......
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 11:18:00 PST

No Comprimise

There is no comprimise in 'holiness'. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty God is Holy  
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:38:00 PST


Peter is that you... My second glance may decieve me into thinking otherwise... Because the first glance I saw Paul. But I know it was the blindfold around my eyes... and the chains on my hands tha...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 11:31:00 PST

I feel you, right through me...

I need a hug on the inside I need a touch... where fingers can't go...   So I feel you right through me...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:58:00 PST

My lover...

The moment we kissed I knew I would never forget you. Your tender lips and soft heart are more than I could ever ask for. We could never separate because you have become a part of me. You will al...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:38:00 PST

Dearest Africa,

You know you will always be in my heart. I will never forget you, all that you are, I love everything about you.   The deepest parts of me cry out for you, I could never be the same since yo...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST

Walls can crumble down but I will still stand...

LIFE is full of so much pain. So many obstacles, so many trials, and all of it just to see what you're made of. My walls come crashing down... till my knees hit the ground... and I find that I'm not m...
Posted by CONSUMED IN ADORATION on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 05:24:00 PST