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About Me

My name is Tony, and I am married to a wonderful womam. My wifes name is Funea and we have three beautiful children. My wife and I are very proud of our children. I love to fish with my daughter Amanda. " She's my little fishing buddy" She'll out fish a boy any day! Her twin sister was recently married as well as her younger brother so its been a challenging year for my wife and I, but worth it all. I hope what little information that I did list about me, will give some incite as to the person I am. I want to live life to its fullest and remind myself daily that nothing is imposible with God.

I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!


My Interests

Hosted By "> .. ..FISHEN IS WHAT I DO BEST!!!