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About Me

"There is no such thing as coincidence; there is only the force." ------------------------------ "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own set of facts." ~ Unknown"Not creating delusions is enlightenment." - Bodhidharma"Compromise to please others is not as good as integrity that annoys others. Rather than be praised without being good, it is better to be slandered without being bad." ~ Taoist Quotes ------------------------------It's hard to really describe myself. There are so many aspects that make me who I am. I couldn't even begin to figure out where to start. I'm sure that's the case with most people.Most of all I am my authentic self. Love me or hate me - I am who I am. I evolve and mature more each day but I refuse to change for anyone. I am very opinionated, very firm in my beliefs/values and always striving to learn and experience more so I can continue to grow. ---------------------------------- I am worth $1,998,270 on ----------------------------------
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My Interests

G. H. Hardy: "It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that."

Mary Pettibone Poole: "To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it, requires brains."

"GILLETTE'S PRINCIPLE: "If you want to make people angry, lie. If you want to make them absolutely livid with rage, tell the truth."

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~Winston Churchill

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk. ~Doug Larson____________________ Ok, let's give this a shot...My Interests and Hobbies: Archery, Knitting, Cross Stitching, Computer Graphics (blinkies, glitters, etc - some original designs, some with tubes and adopted fills, etc), RPGing (.. as well as chucking dice), Scrapbooking (digital for now), Feng Shui, Painting (oil, watercolor and soon Sumi-E), Music (playing instruments & listening), Reading, Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Webpage Design, Research, Basic Flower Arrangement, Cooking/Baking, Creative Writing (stories and poetry) and Gardening. I am just starting to learn Alchemy, Iaido, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, Japanese and Italian. I did tarot until my kids shredded my deck, sometimes Dream Interpretation. Hopefully soon I'll be learning belly dancing, pottery, sewing, candle making, soap making and possibly a few other things. I think I got most of them at least.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends again and new friends of like minded interests, morals and standards of behavior.Also, I'm not looking for "the hook up" so anyone who is a pervert, anyone who spams everyone on MySpace to promote their latest "get rich quick scheme" or ANYTHING along those lines - don't bother wasting my time or yours.
You Are A Good Friend
You're always willing to listen
Or lend a shoulder to cry on
You're there through thick and thin
Many people consider you their "best friend"! What Kind of Friend Are You?
You Are 72% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. How Open Minded Are You?

Missy Jo ™ 's Miscellaneous Menagerie
I have 31 friends.

♥ Daryl ♥

♥ Cuzin Shauna Had A Baby! ♥


Jive Journalist James

Sabrina's Taking The Plunge!

FFXII: Kymberlee's Krusade

FFXIII: Alan's Adventure

Now Entering Casey Country

Aloha Anna

Vickie Keeper of the Whopper Lair

Wuteva Angie

Shelly ♥ 's CSI

There's Something About Sharon


Susan: Sealed For Your Protection

Branded Cowboy

View Them All!

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I really have a passion for 80's Rock/ Metal (Metallica, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Winger, Skid Row, Guns 'n Roses, ACDC, etc etc) , "Outlaw" and other Country (Waylon, Willie, Toby Keith, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Montgomery Gentry, Gary Allan, Tim McGraw, Trace Adkins, Big 'n Rich, Allison Krauss, George Jones, Clint Black, Faith Hill, Martina McBride, some of Shania's stuff, etc) as well as my beloved Enya and Enigma. I like a handful of newer releases/artists as well. I have such a love for music that it spans genres like you wouldn't believe (just like with movies and books). I am very passionate about music and love many forms. I wouldn't even know where to start naming off individual bands or songs I like other than the few I have already mentioned. Let's just say my playlists are a hodge-podge of just about everything from all kinds of musical categories.

Your Taste in Music:

80's Rock: Highest Influence
Classic Rock: Highest Influence
Country: Highest Influence
80's Alternative: High Influence
80's Pop: High Influence
90's Pop: High Influence
Hair Bands: High Influence
Progressive Rock: High Influence
80's R&B: Medium Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
Heavy Metal: Medium Influence
Old School Hip Hop: Medium Influence
R&B: Medium Influence
90's Hip Hop: Low Influence
90's R&B: Low Influence
90's Rock: Low Influence
Alternative Rock: Low Influence
Punk: Low Influence How's Your Taste in Music?
You Scored 75% Correct
You are an 80s expertYou never confuse New Order with the Pet Shop BoysYou know which classical musician Falco rockedWhen it comes to 80s music, you Just Can't Get Enough! How Much Do You Know About 80s Music? View my playlist
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My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?I love watching many kinds of movies but stay away from horror and violent ones most times with very few exceptions. My tastes vary with the individual selection in movies as it does with music and books. Example - I adore "Rambo - First Blood" but find the sequels lacking, same with the Police Academy movies and so many others. Yet with LOTRs I adore them all equally. So it all depends on the particular movie itself.I could name tons of favorites but the ones I think top the list outside of those mentioned previously are Chronicles of Narnia (both versions), Ladyhawke *lighters flick to life in the audience*, Princess Bride, Breakfast Club, Clerks, Conspiracy Theory, every Monty Python movie made, The Goonies (I secretly wanted to be a Goonie), The Three Musketeers, Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, Armageddon *wild cheers*, Mr. Holland's Opus, Liar Liar, Erin Brockovich, Within Striking Distance, The Truth About Cats and Dogs, A Knight's Tale, The Pelican Brief, Tommy Boy, True Lies, Seven (one of my few exceptions), The Seventh Sign, Dirty Dancing, The Miracle of Life, National Lampoons movies, Dungeons and Dragons (yes, I am a gaming girl geek), Daddy Daycare (I love the part where they are told the kid is speaking Klingon - no, I am not a trekkie but my hubby watches Star Trek), Three Men and a Baby, Star Wars, Pretty Woman, Message in a Bottle, Rush Hour 1 & 2, A Few Good Men, The Great Outdoors, Devil's Advocate (another rare exception), Man of the House, Primal Fear, 40 Days and 40 Nights, American Pie 2, American Wedding, Field of Dreams, Anger Management, A Walker in the Clouds, Sleeping With the Enemy, Under the Tuscan Sun, Beverly Hills Ninja (one of the funniest movies ever!!), First Knight, Fletch, various animated full length features and so many more too numerous to continue naming off. And yes, I have finally fallen prey to the stupidity of Napoleon Dynamite.


My life is rated 14.
What is your life rated?
I watch all kinds of shows. We are *HUGE* fans of American Chopper which features Orange County Choppers with Paul Sr, Paul Jr, Mikey, Vinnie, etc etc - even though I'm not into the chopper style, I love watching their show and the bikes they build are wicked cool. My personal favorites have been the Corporal Punishment bike in the fantasy bike give away, the Trike in the fantasy bike give away, the POW bike, the old school one they gave Cody and the NYPD-911 tribute bike.We're also devoted fans of Miami Ink. Ami James, Chris Garver, Chris Nunez, Darren Brass and Kat Von D are absolutely amazing. Hopefully if I watch enough episodes I will be brave enough to go through with our 10 yr anniversary tatts! *LOL*We also catch Jesse James on occassion and enjoy his show West Coast Choppers. However, my father in law enjoys the one about the hot rods so to each their own. *L*I am also a HUGE fan of many stand up comedians and quote them constantly (hence the "Don't Feed The Missy" sign from my best friend, Tina ♥ ) - especially Mitch Hedberg (RIP), George Carlin, Dane Cook, Dave Attell, Jeff Dunham (the ventriloquist), Christopher Titus (I laugh so hard I cry), Carlos Mencia, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg, Ralphie (woot woot!), Jeff Foxworthy (You might be a redneck...), Bill Engvall (Here's your sign), Ron "Tater" White (You can't fix stupid!) and Larry the Cable Guy (That's funny, I don't care who you are), Janeane Garofalo ("I don't know. I called alot of people that night"), Rodney Dangerfield (No respect), Richard Prior, Billy Crystal- just to name a few. There are many others.I also love many of the old school SNL stuff and movies from some of them that started on SNL. Chris Farley (RIP), David Spade, Chevy Chase, etc etc.Extreme Home Makeover (We've watched Ty since he was on Trading Spaces - way back in the day), Desperate Housewives, Ghost Hunters (I'm on their forums too), Monk, Psych(Hysterical!!), CSI (the original), NCIS, Stargate SG-1, A Baby Story/Maternity Ward/Birth Day (when they are showing natural or home births), House of Babies (AWESOME natural birth-center deliveries with mostly water births), select reality shows, documentaries, various other things on the History Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery, A&E, Sci-Fi, etc etc. I also watch a lot of CNN, CSPAN and Court TV. I was a devoted viewer of Dr. Phil and Oprah but only catch them every so often now.We catch Reba and the show Blue Collar Comedy every once in awhile as well. We also try to watch Yes, Dear and Two and a Half Men when we remember. I've developed a fondness for Punk'd and Beauty & the Geek though I don't catch them regularly. I occassionally watch Elder or Montel Williams (except on Sylvia Browne's days and Fridays with his "guest hosts" *rolls eyes*) but I am done with other talk shows. It was a passing fad and now it's done. I never could stand soap operas so I never watch them or their counterparts at night. "I like cinnamon rolls, but I don't always have time to make a pan. That's why I wish they would sell cinnamon roll incense. After all, I'd rather light a stick and have my roommate wake up with false hopes." ~ Mitch Hedberg, Mitch Hedberg Website Now selling cinnamon roll incense!


I usually am reading about 7 or 8 different titles at any given time. I am a HUGE bookworm and basically read anything and everything. I can't even think of all the genres my interest spans to even list them all, let alone all the individual books.I do tend to like alot of non-fiction. I read everything from self-help books like Dr. Phil's to theological/philosophical studies to biology, math, language to home/garden to pregnancy/birth, breastfeeding, parenting selections, etc etc. Recently, The Hagakure made it's way on my reading list and into my heart.However, certain fiction titles, for adults and children, have worked their way into my heart like Harry Potter series from JK Rowlings or The Last Herald Mage Triology by Mercedes Lackey, The Lost Swords series by Fred Saberhagen, Ravenloft series, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, some other various Mercedes Lackey titles, a few Stephen King stories, Digital Fortress by Dan Brown, Elf Quest (original comic books and hardback collections), Angels & Demons by Dan Brown, etc. I could go on and on with many, many others. It's impossible for me to try to name just one or even a selection that would be properly representative of my range of reading interests. I am always reading something so if you have any good book recommendations I am always looking for great books to read!


My husband is the first person to spring to mind. We've been married for 10 years now and 11 years together as a couple- that doesn't happen by accident. He is so selfless when it comes to taking care of our family. He's loving, funny, sweet, romantic, patient, affectionate, hard working, dedicated, compassionate, attentive, supportive, understanding, smart, courageous and sexy beyond belief. It took me a long time to recognize my future in him but I am so thankful each and every day to have him in my life as my friend and my husband. ..
Cool SlideshowsMy children are my next heroes. They are so smart, truly individuals and have given me so much more than I can ever hope to give them. I learn more each day from being their mother than I could ever hope to put in words even if I had a lifetime to do so. They are truly blessings to me and I am so humbled by the privilege of being in their lives as their mom.My grandparents definitely deserve high honors on my list of heroes as well. They weren't perfect but in many ways they were my foundation through a very troubled childhood. I owe everything I've become and everything I ever will be to their strength and guidance. -------------------------------I admire so many other people for so many different reasons. Certain authors, celebrities, teachers and even regular people have all had a part in shaping my life. As much as I would like to be able to mention each one and detail out their heroic qualities, I am afraid that I cannot. Everyday heroes are all around us - we just have to be able to see them. So for all of them that made a difference to me, thank you just doesn't seem like enough but it's all I have. I hope they know how much they meant to me and that I've done what I can to pay it forward when I've been given an opprotunity and the ability.-------------------- In the end, the most important thing we can do is to never forget to be our own hero as well.Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You There comes a time when you must stand alone.You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.You must be willing to make sacrifices.You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way. Found at: India Child - Thoughts For Life -----------------------------

My Blog

I Have Had It!!

I don't know who diguised a Wednesday as a Monday but this sucks!!  From the killer migraine I had last night to the time I woke up until now everything that could go wrong has. I just want to ta...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:53:00 PST

Recipe For Volunteering

Recipe for volunteering 08 December 2006, 08:54by Naznin DhananiRecipe for Volunteering 2 cups of listening1 teaspoon of trust1 ½ cups of kindness1 teaspoon of honesty2 cups of happiness1 cup respons...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:15:00 PST

I Punched A Lawn Gnome Because That's How I Roll

  OMG!! Kym this was hysterical!!   I totally see myself just laying out a lawn gnome someday!  Just lose it after finals one semester and beat down him and his crew of garden...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:07:00 PST

Beverly Hills Guild Wars

Dang it! Now I'm hooked on another freakin' MMORPG!!! *LOL*...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:21:00 PST

Great State Smackdown: Alaska Takes On California & Texas

This was awesome Kym!!   No way could I resist reposting it! Thanks! Blessings & Harmony, Missy Jo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -CALIFORNIA ...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:18:00 PST

What's Your Alignment?

You scored as True Neutral. A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST

Well Wishes To All

I know I'm a couple days early but I figured I'd better get this sent out before I forget in the hustle and bustle of homework. =o)Blessings & Harmony,Missy Jo ?...
Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:10:00 PST

SG-1: All Star

Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:34:00 PST


Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:23:00 PST

What Hurts The Most

Posted by Missy Jo ™ on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:07:00 PST