The Caravan Projekt- 7-8 July At The Market we listened to Surreal Lovers. We loved them. They were the best act that we have heard lately. Don't forget their name. .....................XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
XXXXX"Ändlösa excesser i skenbara motsatspar som innesluter
och ömsesidigt åtrår varandra i ständigt nya konstellationer: kvinnor
och män, öst och väst, disciplin och lättja. John Cale
och Richard Clayderman möts i hemlighet i ett solkigt
kärleksnäste nära dig."
XXSURREAL LOVERS sounds like a hungover Bardot singing fake french in a sleazy hotel lobby... or something of that nature. And yes, in the good way.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxThis is one of my new fav local bands - Surreal Lovers. As always it is difficult to describe music in a good way - but I guess words as strange, blues, lynch, poetry and a tint of Doors will lead you a bit on the right alley.