I'm the author of my life, unfortunately i'm writing in pen so i cant erase my mistakes......
my name is Jamie Lynn Strohl,
I live in Austin TX.. I've been
living here for three years now and I LOVE IT!
so I guess I'll tell you a little about myself...Well to start off with.. I am moody..hot and cold..
Yes, I am a cancer so its not my fault.. I blame it on the Moon!! It pulls me back and forth. It can be pretty exhausting.. which is why I LOVE to sleep!! Can't get enough of it..
I like the occasional cigarette.. but if I'm not smoking it, I don't want to smell it so don't blow your smoke in my face.!!
I can't stand most female drivers... Yes, including myself. I've had my fair share of close calls..Ever hit a deer? I have, and a bird, and a family of possums.. Oh that was sad. onto a happier note. I have two Bearded Dragons.. Who I just cant take my eyes off of.. I am in love with them! Spatula and Arithmatic. My Boys.. They love me, Because I spoil them. I take them out places.. They are a good conversation starter,or ice breaker. So, I took them To Barton Springs (on the side) to bask in the Sun. Well, I got a late start on the day and the sun started to set.So we went for a walk and found ourselves down town at a drum circle just hanging with the hippies , didn't know any one there,but people wanted to hang with the Dragons!Makes me wonder: am I really that uncool where the only reason why I get invited someplace is because I have two cool reptiles? *sigh* OK so my fingers cramp when i type.. Maybe that's because I'm not very good at typing.. But i am good at rambling.. = /
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