Ooh Betty profile picture

Ooh Betty

Yer Maw!!

About Me

stars layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com love / music / movies / frazy Hot Free Layouts Firstly, got to http://tankgirl128.bebo.com and http://furious_angel21.bebo.com its a lot better than this but i cant be bothered changing this page - myspace takes too much effort! Our sexual flatmate Dave is in a band called Aorta and they have a space here so basically we're in Cyprus for 4 weeks with nothing to do so we thought we'd sign up and harrass him. We're gay, and we like obscene language. And i (Kimberly) loves Spongebob Squarepants, NiN and mayonnaise and i despise pubic hair... especially ones that dave leaves lying on the bathroom floor and Jay loves the distillers, pink and mohawks of all varieties!!We have concurred that Dave smells like 30 day old menstrual fluid stuck on a fanny pad.Tis True - honestly, have a sniff...Rock Out

My Interests

Our great big fluffy black pussy Biffy, she's a cutey ;o) The usage of obscene and childish language eg "gash", "pish", "fanny flaps", "cunt hole", "menstrual fluid", oh, wait a minute, just realised all the above are about women... they must be on the mind... "arse bandit", "smell of shit", "gayboy", "windowlicker", "uphill gardener", "hairy ring" oh... wait a minute, just realised all the abouve are about our flatmate... he must on the mind.

Myspace Editor

I'd like to meet:

Brody Dalle - so we can participate in bad and dirty sexual antics with her, Trent Reznor - same reason as above, Spongebob squarepants and his lil pal Patrick... - in a totally innocent way, i like to think of spongebob as asexual, and yer maw for the first reason!!!


NiN, Distillers, Biffy Clyro, Marilyn Manson (i know i'm sad, please dont keep telling me, i blame my "special" qualities!!!) etc blah blah blah


Tank Girl, yah?! Fight Club, Leon and our pals film Spongebob Squarepants. None of Daves dodgy porn dvds, especially the good the bad and the naughty!! they're not quite "normal". But he's not getting any so any nakedness will float his boat - especially underagers - hahahahahaha!!! (With their little ponies!)


CSI, Sugar Rush - the DJ wifeys very yummy. But she apparently looks like a chipmunk according to jay. We have endless debates about the entertainment of house programmes, and argue over big brother - dave would rather suck shit out his mothers ass than watch real tv, even the news


I work in a book shop - i want to burn them all, but i highly recommend the book Shut Yer Pus (in sale in bookworld.... come in and chat with me!)


Dave - for living so long without sex and licking arseholes (yuk :oP)

My Blog

Fuck Off

My mother taught me today how to say fuck off to all the turkish men who follow us around, incase u will ever need to know its pronounced ' "pisslick".. which is rather funny in itself! x
Posted by Ooh Betty on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:27:00 PST


Yesterday we spewed up gallons of vodka... hehe!
Posted by Ooh Betty on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:10:00 PST

Alan OReilly

Alan is gay and smells of poopy - haha!
Posted by Ooh Betty on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 11:00:00 PST

my titties

Today i burnt my titties - Kimberly x hehe!!
Posted by Ooh Betty on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:22:00 PST