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About Me

a bit of history:i was born in burgos, spain in 1981, is a beautiful city in the north of spain. but 24 hours is the time that you need to see it... :)i start to dance when i was 5 years old. my mother brougth me to a folk group from burgos called: estampas burgalesas where i was dancer for around 15 years. when i was 12, the director asked me if i was interested to be part of the active group, which means that i get the chance to representate my city burgos in the international fesivals of folk all around the world.In 1999 i got my first contrac as a profesional dancer with the company "Opera 2001" Traviatta was the opera, and i got a solo in the 3th act. "Toreros". afther this tour around spain i got a invitacion to enjoy the Clasical Ballet of Madrid. was a great expirience i knew so many nice friends, wonderful dancers that i will never forget......Afther the closing company in 2003, i was invited to enjoy again Opera 2001, in this case to make a spanish operetta call " La del Manojo de Rosas" in 2004 i moved to berlin and started dancing for "deutsche oper berlin" and other productions in germanycurriculum:ARTISTIC FORMATION • Classical ballet studies, and Spanish dance studies with Mª José González Bayona (Burgos-Spain). • Folklore dance in Estampas Burgalesas (Burgos). • Classical ballet with Carmen Roche. (Madrid) • Studies in Ballet in Escuela Mayor de Danza de Madrid (Madrid) • Classical ballet with Karen Taff. (Madrid) • Classical ballet with Julia Olmedo. (Madrid) • From 15th July to 31st August: Workshops in Impulstanz, Viena. Workshops: Classical Ballet Release Ballet Contact Technic African Contemporary DanceCLASIC BALLET COURSES IN MADRID Mariajose Gonyalez Bayona Alberto Estevanez Alberto diez Virginia Herrera Aurora Zerdan Carmen Roche Victor Ullate Luis ruffo Julia Olmedo Angela santosCLASIC BALLET COURSES IN VIENA ( IMPULSTANZ FESTIVAL) Zvy Gotheiner Anthony RizziCLASIC BALLET COURSES IN BERLIN Edwin Mota Diana DragosMODERN AND COMTEMPORANY COURSES IN VIENA Scott Wells (partening) Irene Lassambedo ( african comtemporany) Joe Alegado (modern technic)ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE •1995- 1997 Folklore dance teacher in Estampas Burgalesas (Burgos). •1994- 1998 Folklore dancer in Estampas Burgalesas (Burgos) In representation from Spain at the Internation Folklore Festival in Croatia in 1996. In representation from Castilla y León at the International Folklore Festival in Murcia. •1997-1998 Solist dancer in Scherezade Ballet (Burgos). Repertory: 2º act - Nuttcracker, Carmen •1998- 1999 First Dancer in Scherezade Ballet (Burgos). Repertory: giselle, Coppelia, The Sleepy Beauty •1999 (October – December) First Dancer in La Traviata (Verdi) with Ópera 2001 company. •2000 – 2002 Dancer in Ballet Clásico de Madrid Performance as solist dancer with “Ballet Clásico de Madrid” : Repertory: Si no es ahora cuando (Neoclassical), Don Quijote Divertimento, Swan Lake, Gissele, • 2002 Figurant with Staatsoper in El Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid._ Dancer in the 1st dance marathon in Madrid. Group Il Respiro. Repertory: Y si no es ahora cuando • 2002 Dancer in La Zarzuela: La del manojo de rosas with Opera 2001 company. • 2005 - 2006 Deutsche Oper Berlin. Operballet. 2006 - "Overseas" Magdeburg Teather. tanz-teather. Coreograf bei - Loureco Homen. Model Works · Berlin 2007. Best Sabel “Berufsfachschule für Design” Presentacion new coleccion 2007 last course of designers· Berlin 2007. Best Sabel “Berufsfachschule für Design” Photoshooting new coleccion 2007 · Berlin 2007. photoshooting “ Berlin Mon Amour” by joel escano ( photographer, stilist and make up artist. Madrid. [email protected]) · Berlin 2007. METROPOLE--UNTERWEGS. Best Sabel “Berufsfachschule für Design” Berlin 2008 . EGGER austria, publicity campain 2008-09 to be continued ........

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