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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Joe Mynard. I'm 18 and I go to Ousedale school. I'm a very likeable guy although it takes a while 4 people 2 get 2 kno me as im a bit shy =S, but once u get past the shyness, its worth it. Rarely do i h8 some1 and i never h8 some1 b4 i get 2 kno them as its happened alot 2 me and the past, and most of the time those people realise they were wrong. I'd like 2 get 2 kno some more people as most of my friends have left 4 uni =( and as a result, r looking 4 more friendly, fun people 2 get along with. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lardman as his life is, an exiting adventure, earthworm jim just coz hes cooooooool and Q.O.T.S.A as they r my fave band. If anyone wants my msn its [email protected] but tell me who u are before u add me ok.