Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! profile picture

Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts I am a happily married mother of 2 boys. I am a teacher of special needs children. I am an active member of Hattiesburg Community Church where it feels like I have a whole new family that I didn't know that I was missing! God has been great to me in the past 15 months or so...not easy...but work is in progress...Would love to get to know you....send me a message!

My Interests

Natalie Grant - Will Not Be Moved lyricsI have been the wayward child I have acted out I have questioned Sovereignty And had my share of doubt And though sometimes my prayers feel like They're bouncing off the sky The hand I hold won't let me go And is the reason why...[Chorus:] I will stumble I will fall down But I will not be moved I will make mistakes I will face heartache But I will not be moved On Christ the Solid Rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand I will not be movedBitterness has plagued my heart Many times before My life has been like broken glass And I have kept the score Of all my shattered dreams and though it seemed That I was far too gone My brokenness helped me to see It's grace I'm standing on[Chorus]And the chaos in my life Has been a badge I've worn Though I have been torn I will not be moved[Chorus]Song lyrics | Will Not Be Moved lyrics Growing in Christ, Travel, learning, food/cooking, reading
Myspace Layouts Where I'd most like to be....the BEACH!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus(face-to-face), Perry Stone, Todd AgnewThis is for you, JoAnn! Luv Yu!


Contemporary Christian, sometimes country, old school, rock and roll...a wide variety...


Sound of Music, The Replacements, Karate Kid Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy, Last Holiday, Bringing Down the House, Cheaper by the Dozen, numerous others


Manna Fest, John Hagee, JCTV, Way of the Master,Glenn Beck, SciFi, Dog Whisperer, Army Wives, Meerkat Manor

MyHeritage : Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph


Bible (NIV), Purpose Driven Life, Left Behind authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Dean Koontz


Jesus!, and My parents! My husband and My BOYS

My Blog

Life....ain’t it funny?

1)Myself and my two boys are sick. 2)Financial Cardiac Arrest. 3)Automobile needs repair, warranty just expired and I opted to not extend it. 4)Dentist needed. 5)Beloved dog of 11 years, missing for 2...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:52:00 PST

To blog, or not to blog...that is the question!

I had the opportunity to meet some new friends this week.  We had a blast volunteering with our church's kid's camp...kinda like a 'souped up' version of vacation Bible school!  anywho'...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:16:00 PST

John 3:1-21(NIV)

From the Blue Letter Bible New International Version ..TR align=middle> ..TR> John 3 Prior Book    Prior Chapter         Next Chapter    Next Book ...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:39:00 PST

Again with the late posting....

Been reflecting on my life lately...what it means...I have come to realize my purpose, but am stuck as to how to go about living it...the one thing I have heard repeatedly lately is "Don't get comfort...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST

More stuff to say when you can’t sleep...

I had two interesting, life pondering things happen to me today.  I have been struggling with a few personal decisions lately and I find myself without the usual 'suspects' of friends to hash it ...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:48:00 PST

What do ya do?!

What do you do when it is 2:30 in the morning and you can't sleep?  I cruise the net, check out myspace stuff, listen to music, and watch TV all at the same time! I finished out my school year to...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:34:00 PST

Poetry: Hush @April 2007

Hush, my child, dear heart of mine. It will only hurt for a little time. Come to me in your hour of need. It was for you that I did bleed.   I bore the cross for you alone. I come quickly to brin...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:26:00 PST

Day 21, Last Day, of Daniel Fast

20 pounds lost, many compliments gained, foot pain minimized, sinuses cleared, fingernails growing again, hair shinier, less facial breakouts, more even mood, energy level increased, feel better about...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:27:00 PST

I don’t know...

When my time here on earth is up, what will be said of me?  I know sometimes I've not been who you'd have me to be.  I've let friends down, not been around, lived my life without care...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Mon, 19 May 2008 08:52:00 PST

Hello! Hi! How are you?

I just wanted to say, "If you read my blog, I am requesting feedback...if you don't mind! Let me know if yu enjoyed it, hated it, etc.  I would really appreciate it!  I always allow comments...
Posted by Crystal, otherwise known as MamaCat! on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:10:00 PST