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About Me

Welcome to Punkture's page! Cruise through and check out our rockin' duds, including designs from Buddhist Punk, TRUNK LTD, Fashionable Mother Fucker, Hummel, Kween, Joe’s Jeans, A&G, Royal Order. If you're a fan of the worn-in vintage look, you'll love our accessories, jewelry, and edgy lines for both men and women. To see the rest of our stuff, drop by our store!Rebecca has been involved in the fashion industry since she moved to the United States from France in 198. Her natural talent combined with over two decades of experience, and most importantly, her love of fashion has driven Rebecca to bring her vision to life of what a shopping experience should be combined with the brands that compliment that attitude and lifestyle.Beverly Drive and Rodeo Drive are filled with high-end luxury items of every kind. Every top designer has a flagship store on either of the two streets. Rebecca saw a void in Beverly Hills. The trend setter felt it needed the kind of brands that the young, beautiful, and the hip would wear. It needed new designers with a young Hollywood flair that would be accepted by both the Hollywood elite and the typical Rodeo and Beverly Drive customer. She knew a fresh new attitude was called for and that is how Punkture was created.The shop has a young, fresh attitude, an elite flair that makes a statement without having to scream it at the top of your lungs, but subtle enough so that everyone notices you, everywhere you go.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who could miss the woman who enters the room with the Buddhist Punk official Rolling Stones tour shirt with those sexy Miss Sixty jeans. If ostentatious jewelry is not your thing, then the sterling silver pieces made by A&G and Royal Order, favored by Madonna, Leonardo di Caprio, Paris Hilton, and Usher might be more to your liking. A&G also has a high end line of cashmere for men, women, and kids for every occasion. Punkture has brought the Energie and Miss Sixty lines to Beverly Drive, along with the exclusive Buddhist Punk and Fashionable Mother F*cker. Punkture will also carry Evisu starting fall 2004. Rebecca Marciano is not done yet. Her new Punkture line of clothing is currently in development, and if her design style is anything as edgy and hip as her Punkture store, this line will definitely be a hit on everyone's list.




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