My girlfriend...Inga :* ,Zelda, Starwars
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Korn, SOAD ASK A NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Know You're Addicted to Video Games When...
Your wife tells you that you are, and you two kids; Mario, and Sonic; agree with her.Whenever something bad happens you reach for the pause button.You can microwave and eat a pizza pop using only your feet.You've spent so much time playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 -- you actually taught youself how to skateboard.You've worn out the buttons in the elevator of your apartment.The only joystick you play with anymore is plugged in to your Xbox.You've decided you won't go outside anymore due to the 'tacky graphics, poor sound and low playability.'You've moved your PS2 into the bathroom -- just in case you make it to the next level on Vice City.Your hands are so gnarled from gripping the controller, you can't even tie your shoes.You ask your doctor how many lives you have left.You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to video games.
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How Will You Die? (Marching Band Version 1.0)
LJ Username
Years in Marching Band
Cause of Death baton accident (never, ever, sit 1st chair flute when the director has sweaty hands)
Who Calls 911
How Much You Cost the Band $35.33
.. of People That Show Up @ Your Funeral 88564
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