yeeaAAa never SAve !!!!!! profile picture

yeeaAAa never SAve !!!!!!

! GR!P TECS..m@ke Em' Waterbed wET !!

About Me

welpz this is pretty much my babe/lil h0mie DAM0N DARNELL J0HNS0N als0 kn0wn as dee l0c0 but i fucks wit the g0vt.. cuh h2od th0 he wit the buizness too. and he b0mb. n0t jus b0mb but B0MB. aint that a c0mb0.. haha but any females thats feeling his swag i h0pe u aint wit the games cuz dam0n pretty much on his grind and aint g0t time f0r these games. and please believe if u try n play him im, on y0u. well he's an ARIES a april baby yup. l0w key he be on this weed tip s0methin sick. he be trynaa have me 0n it but n0 wayy lmao. but i l0ve cuh t0 deathhh this l0w key one of my fav0rite pe0ple in the w0rld. he's a t0tal weird0 always being aggresive sheshhh a girl can 0nly take s0 much.. lol. this lil nigga a flirt yeayea but he stay banging his h2od g0 hard 0r g0 h0me. i d0nt dig it th0 gang banging n0t p0ppin. even th0 he s0 hard he still real k0ol peepz i kn0 i can tell him all my buizness even th0 he n0sey and want details lol and be gettn mad wen i talk t0 or ab0ut 0ther b0ys why i have n0 idea maybe cuz he on me hahah he wants me s0o freakin bad ha jk he thinks i want him every since that day we was l0w key matchin at sk0ol. l0okin b0mb i kn0 rite. well thats just ab0ut it anything else get at dee l0c0 y0selff 3 0livia

My Interests

MY SIS NATALIE 333333333

I'd like to meet:



cHaNeLdOnyalEaDriAnnabRi naSty...biG sisB2OO daDdyT2nY 2-FAcEmY liL homEgyrl aShley..shE keepS iT r20ll2n!chArDoNaYG20nStEr aKa GOOniiE B.mY faVoRiTe whiTe chiCc MoLLy aKa My BeStbuDdY :)...LY!OliVia...mY biG hOmmIe...aliYahAsiA LocC