~Ryan~ profile picture


RDSaari A&R Rep Co-CEO of North Side Studios

About Me

I'm a full time student at Northern Michigan University. My Major is in CIS (Computer Information Systems). My concentration is in Business Computer System Analysis. I'm a single father of a 7 year old boy named Matthew, who is my life!! I play guitar, synth, bass, a little drums, a little of everything. I love to write, I received an Editors choice award from the International Library of Poetry in 2005. I am A&R representative Co-CEO/Co-owner of North Lake Records-Studios (formerly North Side Records-Studios.) The other owner/producer Panic J. and I have been in the music business nearly 15 years now. We started jamming and recording at the age of 15. Our earliest band Tin Wall, an over the edge controversial alternative/grunge-punk band had been sponsored by RCI/Spinout records(former members of the Melissa Etheridge Band) out of California. We have worked and jammed with many respected and talented musicians including Emmy winning jazz guitarist Steve Jones who had once been second in the nation in the national jazz guitar competition. )(His Emmy was for daytime sports television channel 5 & 10 abc. Steve was also a cameraman/director.) We are currently sponsoring and signing local talents to possibly record under Sony, Geffen, and Columbia Records. We are not representatives of Sony, Geffen or Columbia, but we are in touch with their A&R Departments. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********If anybody is interested in jamming or starting a project, or if you are interested in sending mp3's of your music or want to book studio time you can message me. I'll get back to you. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ******** NEED PRODUCING OR PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATION? If I think your music has potential I can help put together a publicity pack and send it to the A&R dept. of a major label after production or representation.

My Interests

Music, computers, reading, writing, friends, motorcycles.

I'd like to meet:

I guess anybody that has shares the same interests, talents, and ideas.


I like all types of music, depending on what state of mind I'm in at the time. I like a lot of heavy music. I don't have a favorite band I like way to many to list, including a lot of underground and independent artists.


Harold and Maude, Clockwork Orange, All Monty Python movies, Donnie Darko, list goes on and on, and I love all the old horror cult classics (Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Lon Chaney, Sr., Lon Chaney, Jr., etc.)


Kill your television!! Ok ... I admit to watching Adult Swim. Family guy rocks.


On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Ummm ... Kurt Vonnegut is an amazing writer!(I've read Slaughter House Five, Sirens Of Titan, Breakfast Of Champions, Cat's Cradle, Time Quake, A Man Without A Country, I plan on reading the rest of his work asap.) Read his books! Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Persig, Strange Wine by Harlan Ellison, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolf, Anything by William S. Burroughs, The Essential Zohar by Rav P.S. Berg, again the list goes on and on. These are just a few of my favorite books, authors, and recommended reads!


Ting a ling you son of a bitch! (Kilgore Trout.)