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JAPAN'S CATS & DOGS NEED OUR HELPTypes Of Breeders In JapanIf breeding pets was ethically justifiable, we could still question how to treat these bred individuals.Throughout the world breeding animals has not been called into question yet, except breeding human beings. At least the treatment of bred animals is slightly regulated by law in many countries. In Japan, however, everyone can be a breeder without any legal restrictions.There are two kinds of breeders:One of them exhibits animals to win prizes. For that reason he merely breeds one or two races of one species.He only takes care of a few species of animals. Those who don't correspond with the eugenic standards of their race are mostly killed at the state-run gas-chambers or sold to downtown pet-shops for a cheap price. Some of these creature also end up in laboratories or as toys in a pet-zoo.Above all, the second type of breeder wants to earn money. It is well-known that serious breeding can never be lucrative. Yet as soon as you are sparing with personnel and food, specializing in fashionable pets, denying the necessary socialization of the animals and taking them away from their mothers as early as possible, breeders can earn a fast the "big-yen". No public authority is interested in breeding activities anyway.The majority of the animals in pet-shops comes from such breeders. In most cases the breeding places are surrounded by barbed wire or high walls. Visitors are not allowed to enter. Nevertheless, one dog breeder succeeded in looking behind the walls. And ... pictures say more than words. These dogs are put in a cage 80 by 80 cm for almost 10 years. Nobody gives them a second look. Taking them for a walk is out of the question. They have wounds all over their body's. But mayby they will by lucky and they can spend their lost months or years still have a good life. In Japan there are few people or organisations who wants to see this animalsuffering. Those who want to help are doing this day and night. unfortunately there is not much place available and there is no regulation or laws. These animals suffer en it painfull to see that. Since the beginning of this year, worldwide is asked for signatures who will be handed over tot the authorities, mayby to do so, there will be a little chance to give these animals a worthy live. 10 months has passed and we only collect 5000 signatures. This is so little that there is a risk the animals will not be helped, on the contrary it will get worse for them. Please, we emphasize that we need a whole lot of signatures. Please send a protestletter (see below) to [email protected]. You can send also a letter to us and we deliver it to the right place : Small Animal Support Association (SASA Japan) Minami Aoyama 1-3-6 MBE125 Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062 Japan I thank you in the name of all animals, Lydia Tanabe Sasa Japan Companion animals are often abused, neglected and killed in Japan. There are no laws that sufficiently protect the lives of companion animals. We strongly hope that companion animals no longer become the victims of such conducts. We request below to the Prime Minister of Japan, the Japanese Government, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Environment, Animal Welfare Centers in Japan, Prefectural and Municipal Assemblies, Japanese Public Prosecutorfs Offices of various levels, the Metropolitan Police Department of Japan, and Local Police Departments in Japan.1. Abolishing the killing of companion animals. 2. Proactive controlling of the abuse, neglect, and abandonment of companion animals. 3. Prohibiting companion animals from being sold via Internet and from being displayed for sale at pet stores and streets. 4. Exercising strict and frequent controls over reproductions or raising of companion animals at pet stores and breeders. 5. Enforcing strict restrictions on the imports of companion animals by businesses. 6. Abolishing the wholesale markets for companion animals. 7. Establishing systems which can respond swiftly to calls by increasing the number of staff members at animal welfare centers. 8. Thoroughly informing the police and other related personnel of the government of the animal welfare/protection laws. 9. Providing support for the activities of organizations, citizens groups and individuals who are active in protecting neglected or abandoned animals, conducting spaying/neutering and for establishing shelters for the victim companion animals. 10. Transferring the current dog and cat holding/killing facilities into the shelters for protection and adoptionBest regardsName: Adres: Place and postcode: Country: Signature *For those wishing to sign the SASAN petition in Japanese please use the link below.http://www.sasajapan.org/Probe.html

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I HAVE PETS OF MY OWN AND THEY ARE MY CHILDREN. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE YOUR OWN PETS BEING TORTURED THESE WAYS? I CAN'T AND DON'T WANT TO. BUT IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW TO OTHER PETS. NOT JUST STRAYS. THEY ARE BEING EATEN AND TORTURED FOR FUR! HELP END THE SLAUGHTER OR DOGS AND CATS. START BY STOP BUYING STUFF FROM CHINA AND KOREA. SIGN PETITONS AND YOU CAN EVEN WRITE LETTERSIn Korea the situation isn't any nicer. Many Koreans claim that eating dogs is a long tradition although others believe that eating dogs only began as a result of the Korean war, when starvation was rife. The popularity today has come about because dog dealers and restaurants began to invent stories about the health benefits to be gained from eating dog meat.In order to meet the demand for dog meat (estimated at 2-2.8 million dogs and cats per year),farms exist throughout the country to breed these animals for slaughter. Dog meat, at £15 Sterling per kilo, costs more than beef and is eaten more than lamb.Dogs can commonly be seen in Korean markets being killed (hopefully) by hammer blows to the head before being skinned. Sometimes the dog is electrified instead, with electrodes fixed to the tongue. Yet another favoured method is slow strangulation by hanging. The flesh is then singed by a blowtorch to improve its appearance. On some occasions, the animal remains alive throughout, eventually dying from shock. This is all performed in full view of other dogs crammed in cages awaiting the same fate.The Koreans actually believe that the adrenaline released into the dogs' bloodstreams by their sheer terror and agony will increase the sexual potency of the consumer.Signing this petition may increase the chances to abolish this horrible and cruel habit. Although cats are eaten in South Korea, it is more usual for them to be rendered into a "medicine" to treat rheumatism and arthritis. Unlike dogs, cats are not bred on specialist farms. This would not be cost effective when there are always starving strays. These are collected in sacks and, if lucky, are beaten to death with either a stick or hammer blows to the head. More commonly, they are boiled alive with herbs (sometimes after having their limbs broken to reduce their ability to struggle) until their flesh liquifies. The resulting "liquid cat" (known as "Goyangi soju") is then sold in small sachets. An average size cat, when cooked with dates, herbs and chestnuts, will produce 20-25 of these sachets.For all cats and dogs lovers these facts are simply heart breaking, to put it mildly. I have had cats and dogs with me all my life, and knowing about this kind of cruel acts doesn't make it easy for me to find sleep at night...If you are touched by this tragic facts, there are a few things that could be done in order to try to save a huge number of canine and feline lifes in Asia: read more facts about these topics, sign petitions, write/fax/call chinese and korean institutions (like embassies, consulates etc.), contact local shops that sell products deriving from the infamous fur trade, etc.In the following list you will find important links that focus on this issue (organizations, petitions etc.):http://choimimi.com/zboarde/zboard.php?id=sign http://www.koreananimals.org http://www.oipa.org/campagne/koreameat_petition.htm http://www.idausa.org/campaigns/korea/koreando.html http://www.oozemagazine.co.uk/korea.htm http://www.animalkorea.org/ http://www.admh.org/data/fifa.htm http://www.buyhard.fsnet.co.uk/ http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html http://www.petitiononline.com/savecats/petition-sign.html? http://sirius.2kat.net/cixiguilin.html http://ga4.org/campaign/china_petition http://www.voice4dogs.org/takeaction.htm http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/stop_china_cruelty http://www.actionagainstpoisoning.com/ http://www.animalsmatter.org/ http://www.petitiononline.com/adaasbl/petition.html http://www.petitiononline.com/HKDKP012/petition.html http://infurmation.com/ http://ga0.org/indefenseofanimals/alert-description.html?ale rt_id=4086046 http://www.furisdead.com/ http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/petition.php? http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/dogcatfur.php http://www.oipa.org/ http://www.careforthewild.com/projects.asp?detail=true&I _ID=304&myPage=Reports https://community.hsus.org/campaign/furfreepledge http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/p2furfreepledge http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/131317412?ltl=1154 945572 http://ga0.org/campaign/koreandogs_06?rk=e1_EuNn16mCMW https://community.hsus.org/campaign/FED_2007_fur_labeling(Re lated articles and links here and here) Posted by Animal Voice at 6:52 PM Labels: asia, cats, china, dogs, food, herbal remedies, korea, slaughter 0 comments:Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) The Animal Rescue Site HOT SPOTS* Animal Voice (the website) * Links Archive * The Petition Corner * Animal Voice *TV*Blog Archive* ? 2008 (7) o ? 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In particular this Blog is an attempt to drag attention on the Animal World, to sensibilize and motivate people on taking action against suffering and abuse of animals, in every possible field - from vegetarianism to pet and fur trade et cetera. 1person+1person+1person+1person+1person+ 1person+1person+1person+ 1person+1person+1person+ 1person.... ....Makes The Change !!!View my complete profile Babel Fish TranslationDisclaimer The contents of this website are for information purposes only. They should not be used to commit any criminal acts or harassment. Names and/or facts published in the Animal Voice blog have the sole purpose of informing members of the public about the current situation related to animal conditions - in order to allow people to voice their concerns and carry out protests in a legal manner. Once again: Nothing contained on this website is intended to encourage or incite illegal acts.

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almost everything and anything. I love music and I love art. I appreciate those who have the ability to make such beautiful things. SUPPORT YOUR FAV. LOCAL BANDS and small retailers, BUY THEIR MUSIC & T-SHIRTS!


Dear gentle(men) I am not interested in "hooking up" with you. I do not have a myspace profile to get a date. and Ladies, please be ladies save the drama for your mama. On a more serious note. I am here to network and meet new friends. I am also on myspace to help my friends from Asia. Dogs and cats. please if you feel the same and want to help. please read or do your own research. I know the pictures are horrific. The animals are the ones suffering so much more


My mom. my grandmother and grandfather, and the big boss been there for me. I love you also The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to caribou, snow fox and millions of migratory birds. It is also the most important onshore denning habitat for America's vanishing polar bears.But this natural treasure is constantly under siege. Time and time again, the oil industry and their allies in Congress have sought to open this special place to harmful new drilling, threatening all of the wildlife that depend on it for survival.And now President Bush has called for drilling in the Arctic Refuge by 2010 in his new budget proposal!We need to permanently protect the Arctic Refuge! Urge your Representative to support the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act (H.R. 39) to permanently protect the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge! Permanent protection for the Arctic RefugeDear Representative,As your constituent, I am deeply concerned about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the treasured wildlife that lives there. That's why I strongly urge you to ensure that this national treasure is permanently protected to the full extent of the law by supporting the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act (H.R. 39).The bill, sponsored by Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN), would designate the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a wilderness area with permanent protections.These permanent protections are especially important for America's remaining polar bears. According to a U.S. Geological Survey report, polar bears will likely be extinct in Alaska in as little as 50 years due to rapidly melting sea ice. The Arctic Refuge is one of the most important onshore denning habitats for these magnificent creatures -- and permanent protections will give them a fighting chance at survival.This special place has long been protected from harmful new drilling operations. But year after year, big oil companies and their allies continue lobbying to open up the Refuge to new drilling.This can only have devastating consequences for our imperiled wildlife.Drilling and the transportation and infrastructure needed to support it could wreak havoc on the Arctic Refuge and the animals like caribou, our last remaining polar bears and the millions of migratory birds that depend on this vital habitat.With around 400 crude oil and toxic spills each year and just 30 miles west of the Refuge, the Prudhoe oil field is testament to the destruction that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would face if Big Oil were allowed in.In light of these facts, I strongly urge you to support H.R. 39 and permanent protection for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Only this type of "wilderness" designation will stop the ceaseless efforts to drill in this special place -- and give America's struggling polar bears a chance at survival.Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.Sincerely,[Your Name] [Your Address]* Click here for more information * To the Top/Sign Petition * Email this petition to your friends

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Posted by Jane on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 01:58:00 PST