i like physical stuff like sports, walking, running, biking, hanging out with friends is my most favourite thing to do. paintball is a wicked sport.
heavy metal kix ass!!! and techno is sweet also... children of bodom is the best band EVER!!!!! close to follow children of bodom is another band from finnland called norther...these guys were actually influenced by children of bodom so i bet u can guess why i like em
horror, action, comedy, w/e u name it ill watch it
dont watch a whole lot of tv... but when i do i dunno... ill watch basically n e thing. mXc is hilariouse though... crazy asain bastards
well i used to hate reading so i havent read too many books... but the ones i have read are.... the harry potter series(hey theyre wicked awsome books and movies)... shoulder the sky is a good book to get a new look upon stuff... uhh... cant really remember the other ones... pawn of prophecy, truth and lies, far from shore... i think thats it
underdogs are my heros... they come up from the bottom and kik sum ass and thats wut i like... surprise those over rated s.o.b's