YoU ShOuLd kNow tHat:
~The LIL MERMAID tv show comes on at 12:30 pm erryday on the DISNEY channel.
~Im loud and crazy and try anything at least once!
~Ive been told I cant whisper.
~I ran cross country/track n field in high school
~I have an older brother and a younger sister
-my Greek culture
-Greek soccer
-my lil sister...shes so cute!
-my wine box drinker! Ana!
-I loooove LATINOS and their reggaeton music!
-the beach...tanning..swimming
-shoes! shoes! shoes!
-my cell fone (can’t live without it)
-my friends (you guyz r my everything. I’d be so bored without u)
-Fresh Prince of funny
-George Lopez...favorite comedian!
-The Little Mermaid...of course!
-driving around actin goofy with my friendz
-my bed and MY pillow!
-Victorias lala!
-mint choclate chip icecream
-starbucks on Sundays after church with Maria
-singing contests wit my sister!
-showers that last forever.
-scented candles
-really loud speakers
-feet...eww thats just gross
-shyness. OMG just be CRAZY!
-people that get mad easily
-heavy metal music...omg stop screaming
-when people are sad.
-people that run their mouths when they have no idea.
-Boyz that think their huge players~ believe me, I kno
your game and I WILL BEAT YOU AT IT if I wanted to.
My FaVoRite QuOtes:
"Im not a player I just crush a lot."
"Love yourself so that you can stop hating on others."