Bettina profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I sing in a band called Radio Riot. I work for an investment bank and I live in the city.I love anything purple. I love birds. I love going dancing, shopping, SINGING!!! My favorite store is Express and Victoria's Secret. I love tofutti cuties icecream sandwiches. I love eating healthy and working out. My nickname is ABS b/c I work hard for my washboard stomach. :-) I've jumped out of an airplane and I still love rollercoasters!Random stuff, I know, but it's my page and I'll write whatever I want to!

My Interests

Singing, Dancing, Working Out, Movies, Shopping

I'd like to meet:

I'm at the point in my life where I only want to surround myself with positive people.


Everything except Country and Rap


Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, The Wedding Planner, Office Space, Centerstage, RENT


OC, Prison Break, 24, Medium, Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy


Thrillers, Magazines, etc


My parents!!