I love music. Been making songs on the side since I was in 5th grade. I still make some music with Mike Whitman from my 5th grade band "The Passions". I still make some goofy raps with the "Naked Cheese Posse" from time to time. Im also still the founding member of "The Children Of The Son" my personal project. As I write this im working on taking care of by infant daughter and music has been pushed to late nights when I can do make what I make. Mostly electric jazz stuff.
Get Your Game on...... 360 or Ps3. It dont matter you can still play me. OrionzDream on 360 and Orionz Dream on PS3
Ive meet some really cool people in my time. So far Ive got to meet the entire New Power Generation band as well as Prince. Ive been able to meet with Morris Day and the Time. In the music world I would like to meet New Edition. Ive been fans of them since I was 5 and just saw them in concert a few weeks ago, but have never been able to sit and talk with them. Maybe one day. Being a political science major in school was interesting. When I worked for Senator Grahm I was able to meet the President, former VP's, Newt, William Bennet, JC Watts and alot of local politicians. I would love to have meet Ronald Reagan, but sadly the time has passed on.
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I like all forms of music. From Rap to Country. I can find noise I like. As of late ive been listening to "New Jack Swing" most of the time and of course the purple one. I like the synth beats from the old new jack sound. New Edition, Color Me Badd, Brobby Brown, Al B Sure, Guy, Blackstreet, Bel Biv Devoe, The Boys, Today, Keith Sweat, Troop and many other New Jack sound makers moved my ears as a youth. Infact I recently got to see New Edition in Spartanburg and couldnt believe how great they are. Its been awhile sine the Home again tour and they only get better with age. Their sound is so tight its sick. Im also into alternative styles of music. Not so much what the record store calls alternative but crap you dont hear much. It really just depends on my mood. Prince has always made music that is great. As he has grown older and grown up so has his music. I have taken that trip as well. I love his cleaner musics as of late. No cursing. Keep up the good work P. Every song these days is about sex. This is a bore. If you must brag about it you are not doing it right. Let others do your bragginnnnn not u. Grow up.
Kevin Woods is my favorite movie producer and maker. Of course he is the only one I know in real life so I guess that would give him an unfair advantage. As for movies I really love action flicks. I just bought a 42 inch Samsung plasma and added a Bose Accoustmass surround sound with a JVC module. So now I have the home theater that rivals the cinemas. And of course the best movies to show all that junk off is those old school action movies. Im looking to add a HDDVD player soon when they get more movies in. Action/ Comedy Rocky 1-6. I think 6 Batman Begins Superman Returns Terminator 1-3 Matrix 1-3 Rambo 1 & 2 not su much 3. I’m looking forward to Rocky 6. Something about Mary. American Pie 1-3 Total Recall End Of Days The Passion
Yea I like tv. Right now the new show "How I Meet Your Mother" and "House" are cool. But to tell the truth I still Tivo 90210 and Beavis and Buthead. Robot chicken is one funny show if you get a chance to see it. Be 4warned though its weird. Most Tv these days revolves around sex. Its like the writers are all stuck at age 13 and have never had any. It becomes a bore after awhile. Ive started watching 24 this season. Its great!
The last book I read was "Let Freedom Ring" by Sean Hannity. I really dont have time to read much, but I try to when I can. If you know me im always on the go and the only time I really have time to read is on a plane or on business trips.
My mother and dad are my heroes. We did not have much money yet I still had all i needed growing up. Im doing well with my life, but I know I would not be here without being there when I was a kid.
You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!"
The Muppet Personality TestI do have people I wish to emulate because they keep their cranial nature at bay, but I do not have many heroes.