I like to read, girly noves and historical fiction mostly.... I also like to go out with my friends and go to the malll early in the moring in my PJs with Holly, before we shower, and after we get coffee... Sorry H, your secret is out.
People I already know.... or people that know someone I know....... or people that know someone that know someone that I know.
SnOoP DoGg ~ DrOp It LiKe ItS hOt!
hmmm.... what do you think my favorite movie ever is??? Yep, it is Zoolander... I like stupid comedys and super girly movies
anything trashy on E, MTV, or VH1, including stupid reality shows... I watch TV to expand my mind!!
There are lots of people I admire in my life!! My mom has always been there to support our decisoins and let us make our own choices. My dad always takes his time and really appreciates what he has, my sister is one of the most dedicated people I know, and my brother has the biggest heart, even though you would never know by looking at him!! Holly is such a good friend and always sees things from a different perspective, and Bruv is so supportive, loving, and motivated, I couldnt ask for anything more!!