KimJongIl_HasBombs profile picture


HERRO! No! I dont have herpes.

About Me

Rittre message to arr the rittre radies who read this, if you visit me in the great Democratic Peopres Repubric of North Korea, I wirr provide you with more preasure than you have ever fert in your whore rife in 1 minute. Yes, I am a minute man, but it wirr be the best minute you've ever had. ROR!!!I rike to pray with rockets and have fun in my spare time. I rearry rike to make movies. Once i took a movie director hostage and kept him for 9 years and forced him to teach me how to make movies. I'm sometimes ronery because I don't have a pussy to come home to every night. Thats why sometimes I go out and find rittre boys and invite them to my parace. Arso Micaer Jackson is one of my good friends. I fucking hate that asshore Hans Brix. He is always breakin' my barrs and accusing me of hiding weapons of mass destwuction in my parace. How many times do I have to fucking terr him I don't fucking have any!

My Interests

I rearry rike bombs! I berieve my duty on this pranet is to take over the worrd and I wirr stop at nothing in accomprishing this goar! Other than that Fuck you!

I'd like to meet:

Do you have any idea how fucking busy I am? Oh, I forgot I wourd rike to meet Middre Easterners that wourd rike to forrow through with my attacks, and wourdn't mind a surpwise visit from some of my favorit actors from hovvyvood.


Uhmmm Since I haven't sang any songs I dont risten mo music.


I rike arr the best stars from Hovvyvood


I rike some channers


I wrote a book once. It was the best fucking book ever. Go buy it!

