travelling, kiteboarding, snowboarding, yoga, sailing, eating and cooking! WINE, WINE and MORE WINE.
Les Nubians, Sade and Norah Jones, African tunes, Brazilian beat, Jack Johnson, pretty much anything cheesy. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!!!!
Lost in Translation. Before Night Falls. Pretty Woman. Shrek, Finding Nemo, there must be others.. i just am drawing a blank.
Curb your enthusiasm. i don't watch much television (as I don't own one), but Court TV or History Channel seems to be the most visited. This of course was post Sex and the City.
Sidhartha, Wind up bird chronicles, Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, Alchemist, Grapes of Wrath, Great Expectations, 1000 years of solitude. .. I also fall victim to many Asian Interior Design picture books...
still searching....