I am Kevin's Myspace ID profile picture

I am Kevin's Myspace ID

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Are we movie
compatible? My Flixster
profileDouble F. THE MAN.Leggy Blonde!The Devil and Daniel Mouse. Nevlanamation at it's finest. These were so ahead of their time. Anyone ever see Take me up to the ballgame or Easter Fever?

My Blog

Fear is the Mind Killer

Although this is a phrase from a science fiction novel, it holds true to many things currently relevant.    As long as I've been at this job, I've always felt it is more mentally challenging...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 20:26:00 GMT

rainy V day

It's raining in Italy and I have no umbrella and I left the car home, because it was nice out this morning. A great rainy V-day! Oh, and my posts are kinda 6 hrs ahead of NYC......so, yeah, it's 11...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 02:14:00 GMT