Within a single volume, bounded by love I saw the scattered leaves of all the universe— Substance and accidents, and their relations, As though together fused in such a way That what I speak of is a single light. The universal form of this commingling I think I saw, for when I tell of it My heart rejoice so much the more... How powerless is speech— how weak, compared To my conception, which itself is trifling Beside the mighty vision that I saw! O Light Eternal, in Thyself contained! Thou only know Thyself, and in Thyself Both known and knowing, smile on Thyself! That very circle which appeared in Thee, Conceived as but reflection of a light, When I had gazed on it awhile, now seemed To bear the image of a human face Within itself, of its own coloring— Wherefore my sight was wholly fixed on it. Like a geometer, who will attempt With all his power and mind to square the circle Yet cannot find the principle he needs: Just so was I, at that phenomenon. I wished to see how image joined to ring, And how the one found place within the other. Too feeble for such flights were my own wings; But by a lightning flash my mind was struck— And thus came the fulfilment of my wish. My power now failed that phantasy sublime; My will and my desire were both revolved, As in a wheel in even motion driven, By Love, which moves the sun and other stars.— Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Paradiso, XXXIII(1321)(LIKES): NEW ZEALAND, june 3rd, sean F-ing Daley, music, Sleep, Sushi, fall, Wii, $$$, the gym, mascara, chino, V-Dubs, complexity, July 17th, not working, The rain, his smell,his touch, Tribal Style, concerts, Modesty, THE DICTIONARY, the time(S) i ran into his arms, perky asses, Maynard, agent provocateur, ((DJ'S)), ME=your passenger,♥, What makes you, you and me, me, ANT, INDIA, Sun & the Moon, Earth, Stars and Planet, maitresse, 4-wheeling, Dancing, poetry, BEATS, Tattoos, Brewsky's, SOLITUDE(SOMETIMES) B-ball(SAC TOWN), IPOD, IMAGINATION, MY MAC, 45's, not him!!! & shoes and shoes(casadei, YSL, Stuart Weitzman, davis, Fornarina, coach, christian louboutin you know. the higher the better. Platforms please) Now If I only could afford$650.00 shoes?!? : ( (DISLIKES): frizzy hair, ignorance, people that don't signal, when the toilet paper runs out, not being able to find that vinyl on cd or that kick ass song that's been stuck in your head for the last 10 yrs, motion sickness, being broke, when the length of your pants are too long because you're a midget, pimples or any type of blemish on my face 4 that matter(who's gonna wanna talk ot me???) not knowing your worth and.......there's more. i'll tell ya later?!?
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