IH8YH©NMA profile picture


I'm already dead

About Me

i hate life more than you
i am more passionate about a lot of things than you
i hate you more than you like me
i know a lot more than you
you're wrong when you think you know what i think about you
i rather watch movies or play games then deal with people....
WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME (I did not edit anything in these Quotes)
"He used to be the kid that I would see at shows filming who I didnt know. He would always smile and laugh at me when i did something crazy.. I cant even remember when we got talking but since then, he has become one of my favourite germans on the planet.. Biggest heart in the world. THE BEST!"
"he's is one of the most knowledgeable people I've met when it comes to things I'm into (horror/serial killers etc). He is wrong in the head so its nice to know there are other people on my wave-length hahaha He is a very talented artist too whether its designing shirts, cd inlays etc you name it, he can do it. He is also probably one of the most genuine and most helpful guys I've met and I'm glad to call him a friend. He just sucks at pulling chicks!"
"- I think you are the most hateful guy I know! I know many people that try to be hateful, to show how tuff they are! But you are one of the few real hatefilled people I know. I'd never like to live like you and I really don't think your way , but I know that everything you say comes from your heart! - Well...this brings me to the next point: You are honest! Every single word you write (in your bulletins or wherever (or in the past on slamdancers.de)) or say is your true point of view: no half-truth - no beat about the bush - no gift-packed truth. Just the truth! - You live your own way of live, without exception. - I think it's difficult to change your point of view (I've never tried)! - You are a nice guy - to a few people! - You're playing too many computer games!!! - you like murderer - you are fat - you've got a good taste Alltogether: - you are a strange guy"
"he's a cunt"

My Interests

AUFGEPASST IHR MONGOS: wenn du nen komischer bandanatragender, newera cap tragender beatdown spasti bist, bei dem man diese scheiss CAPTCHA-Dinger machen muss wenn man ne message schreiben will und dass dann nichtma geht, weil man in deiner friendslist sein muss und ich so nicht fragen kann warum du hirnverbrannter vollidiot mich adden willst: LASS ES DIREKT SEIN!!! Erstens disqualifizierst du dich bereits durch dein behindertes bollotum, zweitens bist du bei weitem nicht so wichtig, als dass es CAPTCHA und Friend-requierment legitimier!VERPISST EUCH

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Die Besten Fussball-Zitate!

"Kriegt er jetzt einen Orden ?"Vfl Wolfsburg Manager Pander zum Jubiläums-Platzverweis von Präger - der 1000. der Liga. "Gute Stürmer können nur Tore schießen, wenn sie am Abend vor dem Spiel guten Se...
Posted by IH8YH©NMA on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST


allright.....here's a little rundown on "how to contact that motherfucker...." first of all....i HATE the phone and i ABSOLUTELY HATE my cellphone. if you try to call me on my cellphone there's a 99,9...
Posted by IH8YH©NMA on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:53:00 PST

SEYCHELLEN "Ich will mit" Fragebogen!

wenn du bock hast mal die Seychellen zu sehen, dann füll das hier aus und schicks als Nachricht an mich hier auf myspace. JEDER kann der glückliche oder die glückliche sein! is mir wurscht....hab einf...
Posted by IH8YH©NMA on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:43:00 PST

Ihr kotzt mich alle an....

Hartz IV mütter mit kinderwagen, die so breit sind, dass man nicht vorbei kommt, daneben läuft der Hartz IV papa, und die familie sieht so richtig abgefuckt aus aber hauptsache der rasse hund sieht gu...
Posted by IH8YH©NMA on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 12:16:00 PST