♥[unconditional] profile picture


"...thats like saying i love frosted flakes and then i marry lucky charms..."-Robby Dombrowski

About Me

FACE IT!nobody owes you a living,What you achieve or fail to achieve in your lifetimeIs directly related to what you do Or fail to do.No one chooses his parents or childhood But you canchoose your own direction.Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome Butthat “too” is relative to each individual
NOTHING IS CARVED IN STONE You can change anything in your life If you want to badly enough. Excuses Are For Losers: Those who take responsibility for their actions Are the real winners in life. Winners meet life's challenge head on Knowing there are no guarantees And give it all they've got. And never think it's too late or too early to begin, Time plays no favorites And will pass whether you act or not. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE Dare to dream and take risks … Compete. If you aren't willing to work for your goals … Don't expect others to Believe in yourself! ***This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!

My Interests

My name is Jasmine, i love my mom...She's . I grew up in Billings Montana...i took interest in classes like Art, Photography, chorus, Jewelry, Spanish, Psychology. My friends and i enjoyed stuff like going to kegs and bon-fires and going off on our own...dancing in sweaty basements to hippie/funk a.k.a. acid funk.lol.driving with Sara to the middle of nowhere,while banging on the top of the car like bongos.hehe...we graduated from NINJA TECH! yeah we have parties on the dam ceiling like playing guitar and roadtrips to Bozeman, i have never traveled outside the country, but i'd like to go to Japan or take a cruise but i hope to get the chance sometime this year to do that With my god parents/friends. OH yeah, had odd jobs since i was fifteen, krispy kreme was the grossest because when i smell doghnuts i puke but i still love them...hehe. been a bridesmaid once and almost a bride. i have learned alot but i know nothing. i take chances. and i make mistakes.... i love to and ....drink and be merry.taking pictures with friends...and i love laughing until my side aches or until i snort...lol.
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I'd like to meet:

"++ and you know what, personally I think Osama Ben Laden is the king of Hide and Go Seek; he's like the Micheal Jordan of that damn game! Or maybe he's like Waldo cause none of us can find that man; been a couple years .. we're still lookin." quote by my sister Chanel


I love all kinds of music, serously...anything that makes me want to sing along.


clerks 2,
jay and silent bob,
napoleon dynomite,
roll bounce, snatch,
mr and mrs smith,
I am legend,

get more comments at hot-lyts.com superman,


rotf... jake 2.0, That 7O'Show,girls next door, keeping up with the Kardashians ,the Hills so I can laugh my ass off about them being gay in thier silent moments.CNN stuff like that.


-=The Bible=- well i dont have a very big library, i like series' like gossip girl but now its an effin show, so when i hear about a good book i jsut tell i will wait until the movie comes out.


Mom.She's so beautiful and sweet. She has worked very hard to give us a life not very many could have. I -=know=- i am so blessed and she showed us to love the Lord. I am a lucky girl.

My Blog

deafening poetry

I lost the sound of my own beating heart today.   I was robbed of my hearing by the sound of a single tear dropping on to my thigh.  The rest would not flow from me.   I ...
Posted by ♥[unconditional] on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:26:00 PST

dream interpretation

I had a  dream last night though, I was a japaneese warrior right?, sword fighting for my honor right? in a in the mall full of rubies...right? um, and the reason I know it was japanese is becuas...
Posted by ♥[unconditional] on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:07:00 PST

Here's some HONESTY

looking for a pen searching hard, for words in my head to tell you why i've hesitated from this,.....sighing, as a curl falls into my face. I am reminded that we are simply human and imperfectly fated...
Posted by ♥[unconditional] on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:35:00 PST