My interests are vedio games, movies, dancing, singing, dancing at clubs, or being at home. I look forward to doing that with other people. The more the better.
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What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics) ver. 2.0
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You scored as Penis
You are attracted to the: penis. You are a penis man/woman.
I like meeting new people. Energetic people that are independent and outgoing. If you like to have fun no matter what you are doing look me up. Honesty with yourself and others is key in any relationship. I look forward to meeting everybody.
I am in to all kinds of music except Rap and Country. My favorite though is Techno and dance music. I love Fergie, Janet Jackson, Rihanna, and many many more bands.Take the quiz:
What type of gay guy are you?
You are the horny type! You want to fuck all the time. You've been known to pass your cock or ass around. You don't remember a single guy's name, but remember the month and day you fucked him.
Quiz by - Find Hot Guys. Take the quiz
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I love the horror movies in the Halloween Series. I was raised on horror movies and watch every new one that comes out.
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF - The survey for gay guys
What do you consider yourself? Gay
How old are you? 31
Do you currently have a boyfriend? Yes
Are you a top or a bottom? Versatile
Have you ever had oral sex? Yes
Are you out? Yes
How many sexual partners have you had? 6-20
Are you cut? Yes
Do you have any tattoos? 3-6
Do you have any piercings? 1-2
What kind of underwear do you wear? Boxers
Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yes
What gets you off the fastest? Blow jobs
Do you like to watch porn? Yes
Have you ever had group sex? A couple times
How big are you? Around 8 inches
What's your favorite sexual position? All of them
Do you have any naked pictures of yourself? Yes
At what age did you loose your virginity? 10
How often do you masterbate? Maybe once a week
Survey by JustGuys - Find Hot Guys Near You. Take the survey
Which Gemstone Are You?Your'e an Emerald!You are a down-to-earth person and very flexible.You just love to chill or climb trees or something...Pretty much everyone likes you, and they show it too. Your'e very beautiful on the inside and out and you have a great personalityYour Frindstone-Diamond><><><><><&g
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I am a Star Trek fan. I can't help it. I enjoy watching the next generation. Also love Law & Order and CSI. My absolute favorites are Married with Children and Charmed I never get enough of these shows.Take the quiz:
What is Your Personality Profile?
You are a Mechanic! Mechanics are extremely capable individuals who are good at just about anything that interests them. They are usually bright, interesting, and exciting people with a lot to offer. They live almost entirely in the present moment, and usually do not make commitments beyond the immediate future. A mechanic probably coined the saying 'nothing is unconditional'. They strongly prefer to take things one day at a time rather than make long-term commitments. If a relationship interests them and satisfies their needs, the mechanic will do their part on a to keep the relationship strong and healthy. If they lose interest in a relationship, their natural tendency is to move on. They are naturally compatible with: guardians and executives.
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What Family Guy Character Are You?
Peter Griffin
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I like Steven King books. I haven't read one lately though.
You have a Sexual IQ of 134
You know a lot about sex. You have had many sexual experiences and you are well versed in all of the lingo associated with sex. You watch a lot of T.V. shows about sex and you pick up a lot through movies and T.V. You are likely to get even smarter when it comes to sex, because you are very intelligent already and are just waiting to have more sexual experiences.
'What is your Sexual IQ?' at
Dean --
Like in nature to a human dildo
'How will you be defined in the Sexual Dictionary?' at
your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results)
You Are A Gold Dragon, you live in palaces in hight mountains(very very very hight!). You are one of the most beautiful dragons, and the purest too. You are a symbol of loyalty, justice and honnesty. You will help anyone in need and would only fight if your life was endangered. You can spit a chlorine gas, and fire. You are the stongest dragon magically talking but will use your magic for good only. You have shapeshifting abilities and you can eat anything, but you still have a preferance for fine gems. Nearly no man has set eyes on you.stone: gold (i know it isn't a stone really, but it represents you)you control:water, earth, fire and lives.quote:"Justice does not come from the outside. It comes from inner peace" from Barbara Hall
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My Heros growing up were my Dad and Superman along with the X-Men. Now I appreciate all the efforts that men and women around the world that give me my freedom and everything that I enjoy. May our troops come home soon.Your results:
You are Superman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Have You Ever...
Been on a train: No, but I want to
Been on a plane: Yes, many times
Caused a car accident: Yes only once
Run into a wall: Yes it was crazy
Burned a potato chip: Yes for fun
Been drunk: Yes Never again though
Been high: Yes I dont want to remeber that though
Broken the law: Yes
Burned a cd (if yes, the one above is a yes too): Yes just for my music
Kissed someone of opposite sex: Yes didn't like it
Kissed someone of same sex: Yes and loved it
Frenched an animal: No yuck
Had an online relationship: Yes just for a little while
Loved: Yes so many times
Made yourself cry: Yes
Cried in public: Yes the movies was so sad!
Cried over a movie: Same answer as above
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: Yes the movie was boring
Been to a boarding school: Nope
Been home-schooled: Nope
Lost a valuable item: Yes unfortunately
Bungee jumped: No but I definately want to
Skied: Yes but very little
Met the president: No only saw the motorcade
Met a celebrity: No they are just people too.
Gotten a cavity: Yes but root canal took care of that
Made a prank call: Yes they were fun
Skipped School: Yes who hasn't
Faked sick to get out of school:
Bought something you knew wouldn't fit: Yes just too ssee how good I would look in it.
Climed a tree: Yes and I still do
Fallen from a tree: Yes
Broken a bone: No not that I remeber
Sprained anything: Yes my ankle
Passed out: No
Made yourself pass out: Yeah when I sleep
Been to Disney World: No but I really really want to go
Been to a theme park (not disney): Yes Magic Mountain
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