Enjoys Sailing, Mountain Climbing, and Camping;, loves Poetry, Photography, and Art;, Obssessed with Bladed Objects, Katana, Leatherman tools, swiss knives and the like..., Enjoys Exploring Linux, Computer Graphics, girlets, and a lot more
someone who would want to sit beside me when i watch the sunset and wait for the shooting stars in the night :)..
from the classics to trash metal, from mozart to metallica.. just dont play whitney houston
Forrest Gump, Enemy at the Gates, Behind Enemy Lines, City Of Angels, Serendipity, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Arthurian Movies (King Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Excalibur, etc),
an avid reader of JRR Tolkien, Caiseal Mor, Stephen R. Lawhead, Edwin Muir, Dan Brown, Mary Stewart, Ayn Rand, John Fowles, Malthus..., and other Philosophy Books
who is John Galt?.