Let's start from da beginning. My mama's a crack whore and i dont even know who my daddy is. I was born on the streets of G-Dale, and lived there for the first few weeks of my life. I was in distribution and all that with my friends Big-C and Katty. One day I was trying to hot wire a car, and i got stuck in da engine. So then da car turned on and i was like DAYUUUMMM i need to get these peeps to stop. After meowin' at the drivers, the fools finally stopped the car. They was like freaky freaky freakin' out wen dey saw my ghetto ass in the engine. So they call them 911 fools, who saved my life by pullin' me out of that engine. And i was hella pissed man, cuz my homies wasn't there fo me. So i ran into another car engine, and got stuck in there. i was such a fool. so, the freaky freaky freakin drivers had a guy come, crack open da hood, and get me out. I was covered in them itchy asss ticks and all that shyt. They saved my life, and now i live at home man. I've come so far from dem drug dealin days.