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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Kurtis. I go to Waynesburg University for a major in athletic training. I like to have a good time and chill with my friends. Want to know anything else hit up the facebook or AIM---Aloansharkfriend.
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130 Things People Want To Know About You
.: The Basics :.
Name?: Kurtis Craig Patterson
Age?: 19
Gender?: male
Location?: waynesburg
Hair color?: dark blonde
Eye color?: blue
shoe size?: 10 or 10 1/2
height?: 5'11''
interests:: alot....
.: Favourites :.
food: twice baked potatoes
drink: freckled lemonade from red robin
music style: any and all kinds of rock/blues/jazz/metal
music artist/band: ramones or social distortion
tv show: scrubs
movie: superbad or pulp fiction
thing to do: chill with friends
ice cream: strawberry or mint chip
colour: green or blue
song: too many to choose from
book: auschwitz
computer game: SNAKE
board game: scene it
dessert: apple pie ala mode
quote: cant pick just one
animal: penguin
holiday: halloween
number: 22!!!!
name: mine?
.: Friendship :.: i have kick ass friends
who's your best friend?: nate/amber
other close buddies...?: chris, julie, elizabeth, jordan
last friend you hung out with: amber
last friend you hugged: amber
last friend you saw a movie with: amber...
last friend's house you went to: holy crap, amber
any friends you cant stand?: CHRIS....haha
any friends you've regretted becoming friends with?: back in the day yeah
if so, who?: no names
do you have a lot of friends of the opposite sex?: yeah
most annoying friend?: chris...haha
most preppy friend?: elizabeth?
darkest friend?: me?
hyper-est friend?: nate
nicest friend?: elizabeth
funniest friend?: nate
meanest friend?: chris
most outgoing friend?: nate
shyest friend?: jordan
hottest friend?: amber/julie/elizabeth
friend with the best personality?: nate
friend with the best music taste?: nate
friend who sings the best?: none of us
friend who laughs the most?: nate and elizabeth
friend you enjoy being around the most?: nate and amber
friend who your parents love?: amber and nate
friend who your parents hate?: no names
friend your parents don't know about?: alot
.: Romance :.
got a crush/boyfriend?: crush
if so, what gender?: female
name?: dont worry about it
how far have you gone?: who cares
with who?: no names
the last person you kissed:: mom...ironically enough
the last person you hugged:: amber
the last person you wanted to kiss:: jessica alba
how far you do want to go (at this point in life)?:
hottest friend?: me?
hottest celebrity?: anne hathaway
if you could date any famous person, who would it be?: same as above
dream date:: something fun outdoors
dream honeymoon:: alaskan cruise
age you want to get married (if not already): 30ish
number of kids you want to have (if not already): 1-2
straight?: yes
gay?: nooo
bi?: nooo
would you rather your boyfriend/girlfriend be gay or bi?: bi....
.: This or That :.
Kerry or Bush: obama
rap or rock: rock
pop or country: gun to my face
movie or tv show: both
girl or guy: girl
fire or water: FIRE
death or life: life
cheerleader or punk: punk
prep or jock: jock
kroger or publix: kroger
walmart or target: walmart
avril or jay-z: pencil in my ear
pink or black: black
cheez it or cheese nip: it
cat or dog: both
tape or glue: glue
msn or .. aim
mall or movies: both
writing or typing: depends
phone or computer: computer
baseball or football: football
p.e. or health: both
high school or middle school: high school
dunkin donuts or starbucks: dunkin
amc or united artists: amc
walgreens or CVS: cvs
brownies or cookies: brownies
reading or writing: reading
surveys or polls: surveys
livejournal or xanga: neither
Yellowcard or Ashlee Simpson: punch to the testes
AFI or Jojo: ehh...afi
Green Day or Beastie Boys: only the old green day
kill or be killed: neither
eat or be eaten: eat
hate or be hated: hate
ocean or pool: ocean
singing or dancing: singing
heart or peace sign: peace
halloween or christmas: christmas
question or answer: answer
fear factor or the o.c.: fear factor
the simpsons or who's line is it anyway?: whose line
Disney or The N: disney
pancakes or waffles: french toast
strawberrys or blueberrys: strawberries
yogurt or frozen yogurt: no thanks
kiss or hug: kiss
guitar or drums: guitar!!!!
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My Interests

Hanging out with friends, frisbee, music, sports, video games, internet, TV, bad movies, drawing, outdoors, world domination...the usual

The Picto-Personality Test

You are a person who is incredibly tranquil and values peace above all else.

When alone, you let it all hang out and ignore every social convention.

You are adventurous, always up to do the most extreme things. You have a certain recklessness that makes people very attracted to you.

In the future you will be highly imaginative and a creator.

Take this Test at QuizGalaxy.combeach jam at Capacota near Rome, Italy

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Ramones, ozzy, the outlaws, zeppelin, black flag (post keith morris), Rob Zombie, ted leo, The Doors, babylon bombs, the gears, The New York Dolls, Guns 'n' Roses, MC Lars, the clarks, tom petty, vains of jenna, black crowes, sick puppies, faith no more, OK go, black sabbath, chili peppers, the 69 eyes, dire straits, fire ball ministry, placebo, turbonegro, pink floyd, agnostic front, steve miller, X, the pegs, the yellow guns


Blues Brothers, This is Spinal Tap, The Big Lebowski, Rolling Kansas, Waynes World, that thing you do!, baseketball, clerks, mall rats, super troopers, happy gilmore, any chris farley movie, SLC punk, benchwarmers, the breakfast club, sin city, pulp fiction, apocalypse now, the deer hunter, tommy, requiem for a dream, trainspotting, donnie darko, forrest gump, fear and loathing in las vegas, lords of dog town, orange county, silence of the lambs, bill and ted, school of rock, the crow, shooter, 300, hannibal rising, Rad, the goonies


Survivor Man, Little People Big World, seinfeld, three stooges, scrubs, that 70's show, two and a half men, comedy central presents and specials/roasts, history channel, vh1, jackass reruns (still hillarious), reno 911, cash cab, mythbusters, numbers, friday night lights, deadliest catch, are you afraid of the dark?, salute your shorts


haha good one!

My Blog


U S E L E S S | I N F O R M A T I O N Name: KurtisSingle or taken: singleSex: yes pleaseBirthday: october 12, 1988Sign: libraSiblings: noHair color: dark blondeEye color: blueHeight: 5'11' R E L A T I...
Posted by Kurtis on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:09:00 PST