I enjoy eating daily and breathing oxygen. I also sleep every night. Most of the time when I wake up in the mornig I feel as though I must urinate. I atribute this to the Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Bicarbonate and Potassium Chlorides that were consumed the previous day in my purified water. When I rains I usually stay indoors because I'm pretty sure that most of my body isn't water proof. I also like to eat Pecans, Cashews and Almonds but sometimes I don't always feel like a nut. I enjoy things that go bump in the night. Loud noises are my friend as long as I'm not trying to avoid extreem amounts of high decibels at a given moment. I like to wear silver jewlery on my fingers, arms and ears. I like to wear Hats on my head to keep my body temprature regulated and ward off any kind of chill. Hats also keep the sun from shining directly into my eyes and damaging my retna.
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