I would LOVE to meet TYRA DUH!!! lol and heidi klum !!! (shes awsome), beyonce , britney spears they are all major idols that i look up too !!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ another site you can go to is : http://www.TyraBanks.comFAN MAIL ( send her mail)Tyra Banks c/o IMG models 170 Fifth Avenue, 10th floor New York, New York, 10010 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H EY EVERYONE , ok so this is a pge for all tyra's fans. so PLEASE if for some reason you dont like her dont come on here and write something RUDE . This is just a place for us to talk .I hope you guys like the page!!! and leave me a mess. and comments when ever you want and i'll get back to you as soon as i can !! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME .::. Shelby.::.