SilEnt Poems, Dub, Dancehall, uRsulA RucKer, Tribe,Tool, SLOWJAMS, reggeaton, Hip Hop, HOUSE, 4 Hero, Madonna, Brittney Spears. 50 cent, anything on OM records,King Britt, DJ DEXTERITY,jiLl sCotT, JUJU, PeacheS, sAde, dAmiOn Rice, AIR, jack Johnson, gwen stefani, rAdIohead,everYthIng but the Girl, Portishead,ZerO 7, pRincE, jAZZaNova, Rdj2, NirVana, pEarl Jam, Bjork, KanYe weSt, UsHer, bOb Marley, dj ShadOw, bEEniE mAn, miSSy eliott, Tracy thOrn, JacKson 5, tHe Beetles, bLoNde, mIcheAl jackSon,Jet, OutKast, gAngStar, cOlDplAy, the RootS, digabLe PlanetS, acyaLone, yeah yeah yeahs,mAroon 5, NerD, GoRillAs, common, wEezEr, bLockParTy, sAgE fRancis, kOop, Amel, DiRty SouTh, ElePhant MaN, RoOtS, Zap mAma
The Hours, CLOSER, Scarface, KILL Bill, Eternal sunshine of the SPOTLESS mind, Wild style, SPUN, beaches, kids, X-MEN, Sin cIty, Titanic, Blow, the bReaKfAst club, the LasT Samurai, tHe RoYal Tenenbaums, hArold and Kumar, incredibles, Monster's inc, The Terminal, Gladiator, tRoy,The GRudge, The rIng, sECret wiNdow, NapoleOn Dynamite, cOnstantIne, FarenHeit 9/11, Lord of the riNgs, onG baK, pUlp fiCtion, lOst in TRanslation, IdEnitY, tHe ForGOtten, pUrPle rAin,trAiniNg day, finDing NemO, finDing NeverlAnd, fIgHtclub, THE bArAKa, kUNgfU hUstle
Mummy and Duddy...