Julien Payan profile picture

Julien Payan

About Me


Julien Payan is :26 years oldClassical and electric guitarist (Hyadningar, YucK, JACC Kwar Têt, BadSwamp, chamber music)Live guitarist for Pin-up went down and TelümehtårClassical guitar teacher (@ Conservatoire Caux-Vallée de Seine)Student @ CeFEDeM de NormandieApprentice composer with Jacques Petit (Olivier Messiaen's pupil). (-- works for solo guitar, flute and guitar, orchestra, two contrabasses and electronic, nine voices, children choir, contrabasses and percussion...)Appart from music : writing ("Ode Nocturne" 2002 poems book published by Les Editions du Panthéon ; "Ko-Tha, trois danses de Shiva pour guitare traitée comme instrument de percussion" musical analysis in "Giacinto Scelsi, aujourd'hui" 2008, published by CDMC), reading, calligraphy, gastronomy, and a lot of other useless stuffs.



N.B. : I do not have internet at home, so if you post a friend request or a message which is meant to be answered, please be patient...

My Interests


Member Since: 05/07/2006
Band Website: hyadningar.free.fr
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Total Rust Records / Postghost recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

La guitare maltraitée

A venir, un concert-lecture autour de pièces du XXe siècle ayant ouvert de nouvelles portes quant à l'écriture pour guitare. Au programme :- Omaggio a Debussy, Manuel de FALLA (guitare classique)- Etu...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:42:00 GMT