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Are You Shane Or Carmen On The L Word???You are Shane. You are probably fond of the phrase "Hakuna Matata"- No Worries. You are laid back and like to enjoy life and have a banging personality that some loadies and even some guys would DIE for. You are your own person and usually don't give a crap about what other people think that really aren't important to you. Was I right or not??? Message me and tell me how cloe did I get.
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Name: Jule
Eye color: blue
Hair color: Brown, sometimes black
Height: 1,70 meters / 5'7"
Right handed or left handed?: right hand
Favourite colors?: blue, black, petrol
Your weakness?: shane *gg*
Cars maybe and chinese writing
Favourite number?: 5
Favourite month?: May
Favourite band?: Silbermond, Krypteria, Christina Stuermer, Oomph, die Happy, die Aertzte, Tom Albrecht, Fettes Brot, P!nk, Daughtry, Nickelback... Pink
Favourite tv show?: The L word, Simpsons, House
Favourite actor?: George Clooney, Adam Sandler, Bruce Willis
Favourite actress?: Kate Moennig, Leisha Hailey, Erin Daniels, Reese Witherspoon, Clea DuVall
Favourite drink?: hot chocolate, tea, fruit juices, red bull, smirnoff
Favourite food?:too much
Your fears?: loosing my friends and family
How many shoes do you earn?: wow.. maaaany
Do you shower daily?: sure! who not?
Who's your best friend?: they already know it ;o)
Your best physical feature?: uhh.. i don't know. tell me ;)
Your bedtime?: late.. perhaps 23.00 and later
Pepsi or coke?: coke of cause
Single or group dates?: both
Cute or hot?: Cute ;)
Summer or winter?: both
Pink or red?: blue *bg*
Do you smoke?: no
Do you swear?: rarely
Do you sing?: often
Do you have pets?: no
Do you think you are attractive?: not really ;)
In the past month have you drank alcohol?: yeah..
In the past month you been on drugs?: never ever..
In the past month have you gone to a date?: jupp.
In the past month have you gone to a mall?: sure! if money is attainable
In the past month have stolen anything?: never!
Ever been drunk: ya..sure
Ever lied about your age?: why should I ?
Favorite ice cream?: nut, lemon, fruity. :)
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?: Fall in love with a woman ;)
Do you have any tattoos?: yes! chinese sign, "LOVE" on the backside of the upper arm, one big star and 4 small stars on the right wrist for each one of my familymember, my newest Tatt is over these stars..its a vilolinekey and a musicnote framed with lines of the staff on a scroll with notes of my favorite song, over it there be 3 nautical stars, one in bloodred and 2 in toxic-green, initial "S" and "G" for the drawer of these Tatt, my buddy Steven, and last but not least a "one-line-tribal" at the top of the red star..
Do you have any piercings?: in the right brow, on top of the left ear, labret on the right
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: hope not O.o
Have you ever done something embarrassing?: yes i think so
Have you ever had a one night stand?: no..
Have you ever done something you regret?: yes i think everyone have something
Have you ever cheated on someone?: no.. i would never cheat on someone..
How would your friends describe you?: faithfully, understanding, seriously but playful, honestly, good-naturedly, absolutely..
Do you believe in yourself?: ya..sometimes
Are you a health freak?: not really
Do you like thunderstorms?: yes, when i'm safe *bg*
Do you like sushi?: no.. yuks..
What is your most favourite drink?: nutcoffe, juice, applesoda
Do you like to travel?: ya.. i love it
What country would you most like to visit?: USA (Los Angeles), Spain (Madrid), Austraila, Italy, swiss
Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?: sure..why not?
Do you know a place you would like to live for the rest of your life?: where I feel at home ...
Ich bin eigentlich ein ganz umgänglicher Mensch.. Klar hab ich Fehler und Macken, aber ich denke die machen mich erst zu dem Menschen, der ich bin. Für meine Freunde tu ich alles! Sie sind das wichtigste in meinem Leben.
I am actually a very simple person ... Sure, I have faults and flaws, but I think they make me to that person who I am. For my friends, I do everything! They are the most important thing in my life.
Layout by CoolChaser
Ich bin ein gutmütiger Realist
Der gutmütige Realist ist ein warmherziger und hilfsbereiter Mensch. Er erledigt seine Aufgaben gewissenhaft und verfügt über ein ausgeprägtes organisatorisches Talent. Oft sieht er sich traditionellen Werten verpflichtet. Insbesondere die Familie ist für den gutmütigen Realisten von hohem Stellenwert. Seine größte Freude ist es, sich nützlich zu machen und für andere Menschen zu sorgen. Allerdings mag er es nicht, sich dabei in den Vordergrund zu spielen; er erledigt seine Aufgaben lieber außerhalb des Rampenlichts. Der gutmütige Realist ist ein echtes Arbeitstier; er ist sehr zuverlässig und keine Mühe ist ihm zu viel, wenn es darum geht, ein Projekt zu Ende zu bringen. Gründlichkeit, Gewissenhaftigkeit und Pflichtbewusstsein sind seine größten Stärken. Bewährtes und Vertrautes sind ihm lieber als Neues und Unbekanntes.