Fillip Williams profile picture

Fillip Williams

About Me

Fillip Williams has always been an entertainer. He got a chance to show the nation a taste of his talent in the Swedish version of American Idol in 2004 and now he's out on his own performing and perfecting his craft. Since then he has worked all over the country as an artist singing his own matierial as well as covers. He's been through many ups and downs. It's tuff in this buisness, just listen to his song Small Potatoes. In fact listen to all his songs. If you have to pull up the lyrics and read them kareoke style then do so! Fillip would like to hear from his fans and/or people discovering his charm for the first time. So don't be shy to add him as a friend or write him a message or send him a few nice comments or rank him in some way or the other. Check out his webstite for a little more info. There you can find lots of links to other great sites, more songs from Fillip Williams and much more stuff!
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Life And Death of Fillip Williams - First Episode Ever "Director's Cut" Enjoy!mix from SOULPACK consert fabriken okt 2006
Concert at Fabriken 2006 with SoulPack! Checkout the Keybordist! Talk about Jam session!Found this on YouTube. My name is spelled funny i know. Must have been a fan who made it. Enjoy!Check me out! I'm interviewing Nick and Howie of the BackstreetBoys! Afterwards Nick shook my hand and said I did a great job!A fan recorded an appearence in Linköping with a camer phone!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Vocalist/Songwriter: Fillip Williams (But I would be nothing without) Vocalist/Songwriter: Alex Darland Checkout his website The two of us have been working as a team. I think we do pretty good for ourselves. You'll see him in one of the pics.
Influences: The masters of noise: Stevie Wonder, Imogen Heap, Christian Walz, Quincy Jones, Paul Macartny, Eric Gadd, John Lennon, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Queen, the Eagles, Timbaland, Kanye West, John Williams, Danny Elfman. These are artists I respect and I hope to one day emulate in my sound.
Sounds Like: What kind of sound do I have?That's a noodle scratcher... Most of my songs I think are some what commercial but my lyrics are not plus each song so far is a different genre. So I'm all over the place. Which could be a good thing. I got a couple of soft pop songs. My song Small Potatoes is a Rock song, (some what in the style of Blink 182 or something) Clever is my attempt to be a little RnBish and i rap a little. Black Soul is self explanitory. As You Wish is experimental on my part. Imogen Heap fans will totally hear my inspiration. I love music and I'll attempt to make songs in everything i like till i find my sound. Enjoy!Fillip Williams: Touch My Hair
Fillip interviews the patrons of Club Passion!

Add to My Profile | More VideosSorry it's mostly in swedish. But for those of you who don't know the language, enjoy the pretty colors!Watch me dance to Robyn's Cobrastyle in Kalix!

Take My Quiz
Which phrase is Fillip known to say from time to time?

A) Well, That......'s my Momma!
B) Cool Beans!
C) Exellenté!

What is Fillip......'s superhero public identity?

A) Wolverine
B) Spiderman
C) Batman

A magazine once implied that Fillip looked like which person/character?

A) Lenny Kravitz
B) Will Smith
C) the Incredible Hulk

Which one of these answers is correct?

A) This one
B) That one
C) None of the above

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!

My Blog

New Video

I just wanna give a heads up about the new video i posted on my space! Me and the funk cover band SoulPack performing together! Check it out. the video is edited so it's got a few songs on display! en...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 05:57:00 GMT

Movie Review: KENNY

There are plenty of films out there with the same idea. One could argue that there are no such things as original concepts anymore. Nowadays it's all about formula. but suddenly something new comes al...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 16:23:00 GMT

What am I ever going to do?

It's official. I have two, count em, TWO schools (comunity collages if you will) that would like for me to attend this coming fall. On the one hand is Kalix a school that focuses heavily on the proces...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 14:22:00 GMT

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Poppa! Walter P. Williams. A man I inspire to be like. A man full of integrity. Grace. Kindness. and Heart.May all your years get better every time!
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:36:00 GMT

My Wii

I have recently become one of those guys who loves to play video games. I own a Nintendo Wii and I only have two games apart from the sports game tht comes with the console. One is MarioKart Wii and t...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 16:53:00 GMT

Shopping Mall Gig (Just like in the old days)

För nån dag sen fick jag ett samtal ifrån en gammal arbets givare om att dom undrade om jag ville jobba för dom igen. Själv klart tackade jag ja till jobbet och den kommande söndagen var jag i Skövde ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:50:00 GMT

Simply Inappropriate (A short story by Fillip Williams)

In a townhouse, early one morning. A family is in the process of making their way to a funeral. The Father Wayne, is finnishing his coffee as he watches the news. The Mother Beth is stressing over the...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 15:51:00 GMT

Much to do and no time to do it in.

Things to Do: (I got alot on my plate.) Mizz Dee and I have to put together a show for Tallhydan soon. Figure out what i'm going to perform for the Funkykidz show.Funkykidz is having the big show this...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:02:00 GMT

The B- List

Every now and again I am reminded of a two month period in my life four years ago, as of this writting. During that unforgettable two month period I basically entered the homes of countless people all...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:53:00 GMT

Blog Qualifications.

I must be getting old. I'm 24 years of age and i have now grasp of todays technology and of what's hip nowadays. (I don't even think they use the term "nowadays" nowadays) Anywho. One thing that is po...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:07:00 GMT