Hi, I'm Kirstin, like Kiersten... hey I didn't give me the name and spell it wrong, that was my mother. But i digress. If you know only know one thing about me, it would be that I'm quirky. I also over analyze things to death. I work 2 jobs and go to Mesa State. I mop mop mop all day long mop mop mop while I sing that song and I DJ weddings on the weekends. Fun times. My vices in life are coffee, beer, and recently...green tea and apple juice. I smoke and I drink...and yes I have a mouth a sailor would blush at. This is probably due to the fact that I was raised around them my entire life. At any given time I have a dozen or so bruises and bumps, cause I'm a klutz like that. I have mostly guy friends, cause I know how women are. But I do have a small group of kick ass ladies I call my friends! I brush my teeth in the shower...weird I know. I dream about the apocalypse almost every night. Oh yeah... and the eyeliner thing..... naked without it but more often times than not I sport the Clockwork Orange look. I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy, although I usually act like an 8 year old girl. Silicon injected lips freak me out.... Oh, and I randomly sniff things. Any other questions? Just ask.....