I like 2 be with or around family and friends.I like 2 play basketball but i don't play for a team. Some of my friends are tryin 2 make it on the rap industry.
I would Like 2 meet who ever want 2 see me.Who want 2 meet me hopefully they are a cuty.who ever is trin 2 be friends we can be friends.just holla at the VICEBOY
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Tha only music that I listen 2 is that VICECITY music and like they say "GET Wit US OR ROLL" I also listen 2 other music but I what really listen 2 is THAT VICECITY CLICK PARADISE AND MAYFAIR
FlashVars='cmessag=DA VICE GUYZ ROCK DAT ICE WE DONT FLUFF LIK PILLOWS WEN U TOUCH US SO FUCK U IF U AINT WIT US AND U CAN KISS DA BOTTOM OF OUR NUTS MAKE SURE U GET DA WHOLE TEAM MORE' bgcolor='000000' wmode=transparent width='370' height='130' align=middle
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